TCAL 2017 Sessions
Collaboration between Acquisitions and Cataloging: Rapid-Cataloging Checklist
Collaboration at American University: Come hear how the Acquisitions and Resource Description Units at American University have collaborated on various projects such as rapid-cataloging of shelf-ready books, moving books to off-site storage, and dealing with a consortia wide retention project.
Stacey Marien, Acquisitions Librarian, American University
Alayne Mundt, Resource Description Librarian, American University
Don’t Reinvent the Wheel! Cross-departmental Collaboration and Problem Solving to Enhance Archival Resources and University History
Partnering with the Office of Student Activities, Special Collections and University Archives joined an initiative that provides student organizations with funding. This partnership has led 50 student organization to contribute records to Towson. This session will encourage participants to consider a challenge and what partnerships might provide an innovative answer.
Ashley Todd-Diaz, Head of Special Collections and University Archives, Towson University
Felicity Knox, Special Collections and University Archives Associate, Towson University
Sarah Espinosa, Cataloging and Metadata Librarian, Loyola Notre Dame Library
Handmaidens, Educators, Scholars, and the Spaces in between: Academic Librarian’s Constructed Identities
We want to engage participants in a deep conversation about the values and contexts that influence our professional identity construction in different settings. What version of “academic librarian” are we when we interact with students, faculty, staff, administrators, or other librarians? How do we negotiate these different constructions of our professional selves and at what cost?
Joanna Gadsby, Instruction Coordinator & Reference Librarian, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Veronica Arellano-Douglas, Reference & Instruction Librarian, St. Mary’s College of Maryland
I Taught 285 Teenage Boys How to Paraphrase: Here’s What Happened
At every educational level, proper paraphrasing and summarizing is at the center of plagiarism prevention. A three sentence micro-approach helps high school boys at Loyola Blakefield to better analyze the language, focus on reading comprehension and avoid plagiarism. Considering the meanings of language better prepares high school students for more complex paraphrasing in college. This presentation, aimed at instructional librarians, will describe the instructional method and show samples of student work products across grade levels for analysis.
Terry Darr, Library Director, Loyola Blakefield
Innovations in Library Orientation through Mount St. Mary’s University’s Library Tailgate Party
This presentation will explore Mount St. Mary’s University new library orientation initiative: the Library Tailgate Party. This event, which was a collaboration across several university departments, introduced students to library staff and services, while encouraging school pride through an indoor tailgate in the library.
Jessica Whitmore, Archives Manager/Research Assistant, Mount St. Mary’s University
Intersectionality in the Workplace: The Experiences of Women of Color in LIS
Weaving in stories from interviews and survey data with highlights from social identity theory, critical race theory (CRT) and feminist/womanist theories, we will provide an overview of our research project and use this as a jumping off point to discuss the practical implications of understanding the experiences of women of color in the LIS workplace.
Alyse Minter, Research and Instruction Librarian, Towson University
Genevia Chamblee-Smith, Content Management Library Associate, Towson University
Opening a Makerspace with IT and Public Services Staff: A Pick-Your-Adventure Story
You are a librarian. You have been asked to open a makerspace in collaboration with your IT department. How will you staff it? What’s the perfect blend between making it accessible and protecting the expensive equipment you bought? Decide quickly: patrons are clamoring to get in! This presentation, which will be modeled after the Choose Your Own Adventure stories published by Bantam Books in the ‘80s and ‘90s, will give audience members the opportunity to “open” a makerspace by presenting them with the decisions we faced when we launched the John & Stella Graves MakerSpace at the University of Maryland in 2014. Our target audience is anyone who has opened a makerspace or might do so in the future, and anyone who is interested in hearing about a successful collaboration between the public services and IT departments at an academic library.
Andy Horbal, Head of Learning Commons, University of Maryland, College Park
Preston Tobery, Instructional Technology Coordinator, University of Maryland, College Park
Yitzy Paul, Media and Emerging Technologies Specialist, University of Maryland, College Park
Partners for Future Student Success through History Projects
For the past two years Goucher College Library, Baltimore City Public Schools and Maryland Humanities have explored how to expand community interest in the annual Maryland History Day and National History Day Projects. Through this partnership, middle school students are introduced to college-level research resources and college life. Studies show that the earlier students are positively introduced to the college environment, the more likely they are to attend and succeed in an advanced educational environment. This session will detail how this three-way partnership has worked to provide middle school students and teachers within the Baltimore City Public school system educational resource support and field trips to the college library. Participants in this 30-minute presentation will receive event documentation that has been created over the past two years, providing them with a template to conduct their own event in support of National History Day. Discover how your library can become involved with your local school!
For more information on these programs see – Maryland History Day ( and National History Day (
Pamela Flinton, Associate Librarian for Research & User Services, Goucher College
Deborah Harner, Special Collections & Archives Research Associate, Goucher College
Judy Dobbs, Program Officer, Maryland Humanities
Planning for Diversity and Inclusion
Do you want to be sure all of your students and faculty feel welcome in your library? Have you thought about developing a diversity and inclusion plan but didn’t know where to start? Librarians from Salisbury University will walk you through the steps to create a plan of your own.
Beatriz Hardy, Dean of Libraries and Instructional Resources, Salisbury University
Amy Jones, Head of Circulation, Salisbury University
Angeline Prichard, Research and Instructional Librarian and Diversity Coordinator, Salisbury University
Raising Awareness of Student Hunger: How We Used a Cookbook to Talk about Food Insecurity on Campus
Student food insecurity is a rarely discussed problem on campuses. Come learn how we used a cookbook to create a fun food event that invites discussion of student hunger and highlights campus resources for hungry students.
Michelle Jerney-Davis, Reference Specialist, Northern Virginia Community College
Melanie Medina, Collection Development Librarian, Northern Virginia Community College
Courtney Boland, Academic Success Center Coordinator, Northern Virginia Community College
A Role with Many Hats: Studying the Expanding Information Literacy Duties in Academic Librarianship
The field of librarianship has been inherently diverse and internally varied since conception, and this reality continues with the increased need for information literacy skills instruction. We will discuss our study about the addition of librarian instruction duties to academic library positions not traditionally required to lead a classroom.
M. Elizabeth Davidson, Head of Public Services, McDaniel College
David Brennan, Head of Technical Services, McDaniel College
“Sorry, Not Sorry”: LIS Women Professionals and Our Culture of Apology
“Sorry to interrupt…” “Apologies!” “Sorry if this has been asked…” Why are women always apologizing? This session explores recent observations women professionals have made on our culture of excessive apology, focused through the lens of the female-dominated LIS field. Geared toward women LIS professionals, this session includes a short presentation, think-share-pair activity, and an open discussion on strategies for communicating effectively in a culture of “sorry”. The learning objectives include: 1) recognizing that gender roles do affect our work as librarians and 2) how to empower ourselves as women and/or our female colleagues despite a culture of apology.
Annie Tang, Processing Archivist, Johns Hopkins University
Supporting Pop-Up Classes at the Library
Pop-up classes are extracurricular workshops designed to facilitate hands-on learning and discovery. This interactive presentation will provide an overview and forum to explore a range of possible pop-up classes and what it means to support them within the library.
Matthew Treskon, Technology Librarian, Loyola Notre Dame Library
Jennie Ray, PR/1st Year Experience Librarian, Loyola Notre Dame Library
Surpassing “Woke”: Foundations for Implementing Strategic Inclusive Practices in Academic Libraries
Using the Johari Window as a framework for delving into the legacy of race in academic libraries and the ongoing impact it has on the present, we invite LIS practitioners and administrators to reflect more deeply on assumptions about diversity and inclusion within library practice.
Alyse Minter, Research and Instruction Librarian, Towson University
Nikhat Ghouse, Research, Teaching, & Learning Associate Librarian, American University
What’s Really the Problem Here? Ethnographic Interview Methods in User Experience Research
We all want to improve patron experiences, yet it can be difficult to act on comments and survey findings. This session will cover techniques for ethnographic interview methodology that can be applied to examining user experiences in a library setting. Participants will learn how to ask the right questions and listen for meaningful gems in patron responses that will offer deep, actionable insights into patron and staff experiences with tools and services. This session is ideal for library workers interested in deepening their user experience knowledge and skillset.
Jessica Keyes, User Experience Analyst, Johns Hopkins University
Why Reinvent the Wheel? How Partnerships between Public and Academic Libraries Can Be Mutually Beneficial
This presentation will shed light on how academic and public libraries can build or improve partnerships that will allow each institution to have a greater community impact. We will examine relevant issues such as technology, staff training, and constituent buy-in. Attendees will participate in three simple Human Centered Design activities and we will conclude by sharing our findings.
Regina Rose, Reference Librarian, Community College of Baltimore County, Dundalk
Jean Boggs, Reference Librarian, Community College of Baltimore County, Dundalk
Fabio: A Work of Art from the Stacks to the Studio
This poster will illustrate obstacles and opportunities encountered through managing the Nora Roberts American Romance Collection, a unique special collection of popular romance genre fiction, adjusting collection development priorities to fit changing library needs. It will show that a small liberal arts college library can successfully promote a niche special collection that is useful not only to the college and scholarly community, but to a wider audience through outreach programming and collaboration with faculty from unexpected departments. Archives & Special Collections at Hoover Library collaborated with the Art & Art History Department on campus to integrate the romance novel into the studio art and design curriculum for Spring 2017, culminating in an exhibition of student work created from materials representing the Nora Roberts American Romance Collection.
Andrea Briggs, Archivist & Special Collections Librarian, McDaniel College
Managing a Mind Shift: How a Library Partnership Helps Medical Practitioners Transform into Medical Educators
The students in the Master of Education in the Health Professions (MEHP) program have complex, overlapping identities. This poster will present the strategies used to create a web of support that crosses campuses, and meets the unique needs of full-time medical professionals engaged in a part-time online program.
Liz Johns, Learning Design and Technologies Librarian, Johns Hopkins University
Toni Ungaretti, Director of the Master of Education in the Health Professions, Johns Hopkins University
Carrie Price, Clinical Informationist, Johns Hopkins University
Responding to Users’ Needs When Redesigning a Library Website
The primary goal of the library website redesign is to ensure that content, design, and navigation best meets users’ needs. To that end, librarians and staff learned about users’ needs through multiple interactive strategies. The data gathered informed website decisions.
Youlanda Halterman, Digital Technology/Web Supervisor, Loyola Notre Dame Library
Jasmine Johnson, Customer Services Evening Supervisor, Loyola Notre Dame Library
Cat Staley, Online Learning Librarian, Loyola Notre Dame Library
Matthew Treskon, Technology Librarian, Loyola Notre Dame Library
Beth Layton, Assessment Librarian, Loyola Notre Dame Library
Top Textbooks on Reserve: A Collaborative Effort to Help #textbookbroke Students
Textbook reserves can offer immediate relief to students suffering from high textbook costs, and scoping to the university’s largest courses allows academic libraries to effectively manage this service. Learn how UMD Libraries’ staff collaborated internally and externally to develop, expand, and promote their successful Top Textbooks on Reserve program.
Hilary Thompson, Head of Resource Sharing & Reserves, University of Maryland, College Park
Jennifer Cotton, Resource Sharing & Reserves Library Services Specialist, University of Maryland, College Park
Warehousing Books: A High-Density Storage Library in Action
High-density storage facilities, unlike browsing libraries, owe their approach to storage to warehousing practices. I will discuss what a high-density storage library is, what it has borrowed from the warehousing industry, how that manifests itself in Severn Library at UMCP, and what can be learned from studying warehousing practices.
Margaret Loebe, Collection Maintenance and Reserves Coordinator, University of Maryland, College Park