Arms Wide Open, Eyes Wide Shut: Navigating Incongruity within the Open Scholarship Movement
Open science seeks to transform how information is shared and make research available to everyone. However, there is disagreement within the community about how this should look. How do we find balance working towards a goal when it feels like others are working against us, both within open science and out?
Miranda Phair – Publishing & Open Scholarship Librarian; Towson University
Miranda Phair is the Publishing & Open Scholarship Librarian at Towson University. She holds an MLIS from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a BA in Political Science from Kalamazoo College.
Under Construction! Rebuilding the LNDL Engagement Committee
(Formerly Titled: Revitalizing LNDL Engagement Committee)
When I started in the role of administrative coordinator at LNDL back in July 2022, I was made chair of what was then called the social events committee. In the past year we have renamed the committee to LNDL Engagement Committee. This was part of a group effort to restructure and redefine the mission of the committee. I will be sharing the committee’s purpose, highlight some of the events/activities we have done, and discuss ways we think the committee can grow!
Kristin Gibbons – Administrative Coordinator; Loyola Notre Dame Library
Kristin Gibbons currently serves as the Administrative Coordinator at Loyola Notre Dame Library. She is chair of the Library Engagement Committee and has led two other employee engagement committees in previous roles. Kristin has her B.A. from the University of Maryland and is currently working on her HR certification through Syracuse University Institute for Veterans and Military Families.
Wait I’m Teaching Them What? Government Source Credibility or Separating Truth from “Truthiness”
This lightning talk will reexamine how to approach teaching information literacy regarding government sources and government websites as mis-, dis-, and malinformation continues to proliferate in state sponsored communications.
Katie Delezenski – Research and Instructional Librarian; Salisbury University
Katie Delezenski is a Research and Instruction Librarian and the Library Liaison to the Perdue School of Business at Salisbury University. Katie completed her Master of Science in library and information sciences at Syracuse University (the other SU) in the summer of 2022 before accepting her position at Salisbury University and moving her husband and two dogs to Maryland’s eastern shore. She earned her undergraduate degree in political science from Towson University in 2002 and in the twenty years between those degrees she did, well, a lot, everything from non-profit work to corporate sales. In addition to information literacy, Katie’s research interests lay in Open Access and Open Education Resources with a focus on how academic research available on the open web can improve educational access to marginalized communities.