Constructing a Collaboration Across Campuses: the Development of a Spotlight Series in the Library to Bring Attention to Global Issues
In this TCAL presentation, attendees will learn how LNDL developed a multi-faceted program to creatively spotlight global issues affecting their campuses.
Amanda Kramer – Assistant Director, Research and Technology; Loyola Notre Dame Library
Creating a Campus Culture of Appreciation
A librarian’s perceptions and participation in the development, implementation, and benefits of a campus-wide campaign of appreciation. Highlighting the impact during and after a 2022 provost’s leadership project. Exploring the power gratitude can have on a person, library, and university. Discovering how everyone plays a role in transforming campus culture.
James Rhoades – Assistant Director of Continuing & Electronic Services; Virginia Tech
IDEA: A Look at Diverse and Equitable Practices at LNDL
The session will address recommendations made at the 2021 Loyola Notre Dame Equity Audit, and the steps taken to implement those recommendations to improve diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility practices at the Library.
Lorena Dion – Operations Manager; Loyola Notre Dame Library
Michelle Williams – Access Services Operations Supervisor; Loyola Notre Dame Library
Let’s Hang Out! Rebuilding the In-Person Library Community Post-Pandemic through Events and Orientations!
During the pandemic, academic libraries found new ways to engage with students to continue to provide events and access to resources and services. As we began transitioning back to campus, numerous factors influenced how our library events evolved. This presentation focuses on the revitalization of library events and orientation post-pandemic.
Anna K. Murphy Lang – Teaching and Outreach Specialist; George Mason University (Fairfax Campus)
Katara Hoffman – Peer Referral Coach; George Mason University (Fairfax Campus)
Taneisha Mazyck, Teaching and Learning Support Coordinator; George Mason University (Fairfax Campus)
Sarah Moderma, Teaching and Learning Assistant, George Mason University (Fairfax Campus)
Trevor Watkins – Teaching and Outreach Librarian; George Mason University (Fairfax Campus)
Research Data Services in Towson University
The speaker will discuss Research Data Services (RDS) offered by the university library, sharing insights into current services, improvements over time, and future vision through case studies demonstrating impact and expertise.
Songyao Chen – Data Science Librarian; Towson University
Sunshine Committees: Building Community for All Library Staff
A Sunshine Committee could be an opportunity to help build community and connection within your library! Join discussions on scope, budgeting considerations, brainstorming what you may already be doing that could fall under this committee, and collaborate with others for ideas on how a Sunshine Committee could benefit your library.
Hayley Holloway – MLIS Student; University of Maryland, College Park
That’s Just the New Person: Creating Relationships Beyond Recruitment
In the last few years, many institutions have experienced an increase in recruitment. Remote recruitment and telework have challenged traditional recruitment and onboarding processes. In this session we will share intentional, robust methods we have recently implemented to welcome new team members, who will reflect on this experience.
Ashley Todd-Diaz – Assistant University Librarian for Special Collections and University Archives; Towson University
Felicity Knox – Assistant University Archivist; Towson University
Jasmine (Jae) Allen – Library Associate, Special Collections and University Archives; Towson University
Emiel Brown – Library Associate, Special Collections and University Archives; Towson University
They Asked, We Answered: Responsive Librarianship in the Face of Student Requests
How can we be responsive to service and resource requests from student populations with limited time and personnel? As we draw from our experience advancing library services to graduate students at UMBC, our presentation illustrates efforts to expand resources to underserved populations, strengthen partnerships, and plan for the future.
Brianna Hughes – STEM Reference and Instruction Librarian; University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Erin Durham Wright – Reference and Instruction Librarian; University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Think Outside the “Box”: Using LibGuides to Expand DEI Reach
Learn how to use LibGuides to expand your school’s DEI efforts! Carroll Community College library staff developed a series of interactive guides to explore diversity topics. This session describes the evolution of this project, offers tips for creating self-paced learning activities with LibGuides, and shares lessons learned along the way.
Emily Hampton Haynes – Public Services Librarian; Carroll Community College
Emma Sigrist – Library Services Specialist; Carroll Community College
Nancy Wolfinger – Library Services Specialist; Carroll Community College
Using Data to Balance the Collections Budget
Learn all about the UMCP Libraries’ process for constructing continuing resource reviews! In this presentation you’ll learn the data points we use in addition to traditional “cost per use” to create a more comprehensive review process, as well as how we disseminate this information in an easy to grasp format for our stakeholders outside of the collections unit.
Leigh Ann DePope – Head, Acquisitions, Continuing Resources, and Data Services; University of Maryland, College Park
Alex Dodd – Continuing Resources Librarian; University of Maryland, College Park
Working with Strangers: Setting up a Crowdsourced Transcription Project
Transcription significantly adds to the accessibility and findability of unique digitized materials. This presentation will focus on the evolution of a Digital Maryland project using the From the Page platform to provide access to ledgers from the Mutual Benefit Society, the first Black owned insurance company in the state of Maryland.
Jodi Hoover – Digital Resources Manager; Enoch Pratt Free Library & State Library Resource Center