Joohan Lee is a theoretical particle physicist in the Department of Physics at the University of Seoul, South Korea, with interests in general relativity and early-Universe cosmology, including mathematical models of inflation and dark energy. He visited Towson University from 2014-2015 and collaborated with me on the following projects:
Supernova constraints on higher-dimensional phantom cosmology
- article in International Journal of Modern Physics D25 (2016) 1650069; preprint arXiv:1512.03410
- presentation at APS Mid-Atlantic Section meeting (Penn State, 2014); Bulletin of the American Physical Society 59 (9), C3.00003
- poster at Hopkins-GSFC Interaction Day (2014)
Cosmological coincidence without fine-tuning
- article in Physical Review D90 (2014) 123003; preprint arXiv:1405.7681
- presentation at APS Mid-Atlantic Section meeting (Penn State, 2014); Bulletin of the American Physical Society 59 (9), C3.00009