- BREAKING NEWS! Kielan (now Kielan Hoch) graduated from the University of California at San Diego with a PhD in astrophysics, received a Giacconi Postdoctoral Fellowship, and is now using the James Webb telescope to study exoplanets (2022)
- “Direct detection of extrasolar planets,” seminar in the Department of Physics, Astronomy and Geosciences at Towson University (April 2018)
- William F. Pelham Award for Outstanding Junior (2015) and Edward I. Rubendall Physics Achievement Award for Outstanding Senior (2016)
- co-creator, JHU APL outreach video “Pluto Fly By By” (2015)
- REUs in planetary astronomy at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (summer 2014 and 2015)
Semesters: Spring 2014-Spring 2015
A new way to see inside black holes
- co-author on article “Curvature Invariants for Charged and Rotating Black Holes,” Universe 6 (2020) 22 (Special Issue on “Probing New Physics with Black Holes”)
- news stories at phys.org, RedOrbit, ScienceAlert, ScienceExplorer, space.com, TrendinTech (2016)
- poster at the 228th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (San Diego, 2016)
- poster at “Anticipating the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics” with John Mather, Bill Phillips and Adam Riess (AIP headquarters, College Park, MD, 2015)
- co-author on refereed conference proceeding, Bridges Baltimore 2015: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture (Phoenix, AZ: Tessellations Publishing, 2015), 479-482; arXiv:1512.02762
- public outreach talks at Towson University’s Watson-King Planetarium and the Howard Astronomical League, Robinson Nature Center, Columbia, MD (2015)
- poster at Towson University Student Research Expo (2015)
When you dance, you dance with the universe
- poster at APS Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (Rutgers University, NJ, 2015)
- poster at inaugural APS Mid-Atlantic Section meeting (Penn State, 2014); Bulletin of the American Physical Society 59 (9), F1.00047
- poster at Towson University Student Research Expo (2014)