- Seminar “Falling Up With Physics,” Towson University (April 2019 — see news story!)
- Masters in Finance, University of Massachussetts, Boston (2019)
- Founder, mattressnerd.com (2014)
- Graduated Towson University (2012)
- Edward I. Rubendall Physics Achievement Award for Outstanding Senior (2011)
Semesters: Fall 2010 – Fall 2011
Solar-system tests of the equivalence principle
- news stories at gizmodo, Mercury Magazine, phys.org, spaceref.com and tunews.towson.edu (January/February 2014)
- co-author on paper published in Classical and Quantum Gravity 31, 015001 (2014); preprint arXiv:1307.1202
- poster at APS March meeting (Boston, 2012); Bulletin of the American Physical Society 57, S1.00212
- poster at Towson University Research Expo (2012)
Gamma-ray background radiation from Kaluza-Klein dark matter
- poster at JSI (Joint Space Science Institute) Workshop on Near-Field Cosmology as a Probe of Early Universe, Dark Matter and Gravity, Annapolis, MD (2011)
- oral presentation at Towson University Research Expo (2011)