- Breaking news! Ozzy has accepted a position as engineer with Northrop Grumman (summer 2022)
- Lab Assistant in the lab of Dr. Steffen Wolff at the University of Maryland (summer 2021)
Semesters: Spring 2020-Summer 2021
New solutions of Einstein’s field equations in higher dimensions
- co-author on paper published in General Relativity and Gravitation 54:8 (2022) (with Jon Perry)
- oral presentation at the Maryland Space Grant Student Research Symposium (August 2021)
- supported by the Maryland Space Grant Consortium (summer 2021)
Astrophysical implications of gravito-electromagnetism
- oral presentation via zoom at Maryland Space Grant Student Research Symposium (August 2020)
- supported by grants from the Fisher College of Science and Mathematics and the Maryland Space Grant Consortium (summer 2020)
- live presentation at Towson University’s first fully online Student Research & Creative Inquiry Forum (April 2020; members of the TU community can view presentation here)
- poster presentation at 2020 APS April meeting (held online due to the Covid-19 pandemic; APS members can access poster here)