- Reliability Engineer with NAVAIR, the U.S. Naval Air Systems Command (2017)
- Professional Science Masters degree in Physics, Towson University (2017)
- Instructor, Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (summer 2015)
- Graduated Towson University (2014)
Semesters: Fall 2013
The Hunt for Red October II: a demonstration for introductory electromagnetism
- co-author on paper in The Physics Teacher 55 (2017) 460-466 with appendix, p. 556
- poster presentation at Towson University Student Research Expo (2016)
- co-author on poster presentation at APS March meeting (Baltimore, 2016)
New classroom demonstrations in electricity and magnetism
- oral presentation at AAPT Chesapeake Section spring meeting (AIP headquarters, College Park, MD, 2014)
- poster at Towson University Student Research Expo (2014)