- Eddie L. Loh Undergraduate Physics Scholarship Award (2020) and Graduate Physics Scholarship Award (2021)
- Edward I. Rubendall Physics Achievement Award for Outstanding Senior (2019)
Semesters: Spring – Summer 2019
New classroom demonstrations in introductory electromagnetism and modern physics
- co-author with Carmen Cuestas and Jon Perry on poster presentation at Towson University’s first fully online Student Research & Creative Inquiry Forum (April 2020; members of the TU community can view presentation here)
- co-author with Carmen Cuestas and Jon Perry on poster presentation at PhysCon (Providence, RI, November 2019)
- oral presentation with Carmen Cuestas at Maryland Space Grant 2019 Student Research Symposium (Johns Hopkins University Mt. Washington campus, July 2019)
- supported by the Maryland Space Grant Consortium (summer 2019)