- Breaking news! Jon has been accepted into the graduate program in physics at the Free University in Amsterdam, The Netherlands (summer 2021). His doctoral research with Dr. Andreas Freise will focus on gravitational-wave optics
- Edward I. Rubendall Physics Achievement Award for Outstanding Senior (2020 and 2021)
- Eddie L. Loh Undergraduate Physics Scholarship Award (2020 and 2021)
- Intern with the Gravitational Physics International REU (2020). Jon is Towson’s third physics major to participate in this prestigious program (after Nathan Prins in 2014 and Rachael Huxford in 2017)
Semesters: Summer 2018 – Spring 2021
New exact solutions of Einstein’s field equations in higher dimensions
- co-author on paper published in General Relativity and Gravitation 54:8 (2022) (with Ozzy Weinreb)
- prerecorded oral presentation at Towson University’s first fully online Student Research & Creative Inquiry Forum (April 2020; members of the TU community can view presentation here)
- poster presentation at 2020 APS April meeting (held online due to the Covid-19 pandemic; APS members can access poster here)
- abstract accepted for oral presentation at 9th Gulf Coast Gravity meeting (University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS, March 2020; meeting cancelled due to Covid-19)
Academic Hertzsprung-Russell diagram as a diagnostic tool for student learning in introductory physics (with Jacob Buchman)
- co-author on paper (The Physics Educator 3, 2150007, 2021)
Classroom demonstration of the measurement of the speed of light
- “Excuse me, do you know how fast you’re going?” (news story, Towson University website, January 2020)
Teaching circuits with an electromechanical adder
- co-author on paper (The Physics Educator 1, 1950014, 2019)
- talk at the Chesapeake Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers (Richmond, VA, October 2019) – winner, Best Student Presentation!
- supported by the Maryland Space Grant Consortium (summer 2019)
Classroom simulation of gravitational waves from orbiting binaries (with Rachael Huxford)
- see the simulation in action here!
- prerecorded oral presentation at Towson University’s first fully online Student Research & Creative Inquiry Forum (April 2020; members of the TU community can view presentation here)
- poster presentation at PhysCon (Providence, RI, November 2019)
- invited talk, “TPT Favorites” session, 2019 AAPT Summer Meeting (Provo, UT)
- poster presentation at 2019 APS April meeting (Denver, CO)
- co-author on paper (The Physics Teacher 56, 586, 2018)
- poster presentation at Maryland Space Grant Consortium student research symposium (Johns Hopkins University Mt. Washington campus, July 2018)
- supported by a research grant from the Maryland Space Grant Consortium (summer 2018)