Semesters: Spring 2019 – Spring 2020
Superhero physics as a teaching tool in introductory physics course (co-mentored with Deepika Menon)
- poster presentation at the American Association of Physics Teachers virtual summer meeting (July 2020)
- live presentation at Towson University’s first fully online Student Research & Creative Inquiry Forum (April 2020; members of the TU community can view presentation here)
- poster presentation at PhysCon, Providence, RI (November 2019)
- poster presentation at Society of Black Physicists Conference, Providence, RI (November 2019)
- poster presentation at Summer Undergraduate Research Fest, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (August 2019)
- poster presentation at Maryland Space Grant 2019 Student Research Symposium (Johns Hopkins University Mt. Washington campus, July 2019)
- supported by the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP), University System of Maryland (summer 2019)