- REU modeling asynchronous neural activity at Ohio Wesleyan University (summer 2015)
- Edward I. Rubendall award for Outstanding Junior (2014)
Semesters: Spring 2017
Project (with Cris Garrish and Gary Pennington, American University):
Simulated spatial dependence in action potential propagation
- presentation at International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience, 2017 (Boulder, CO, 2017)
Project (with Christian Fink, Ohio Wesleyan University):
Asynchronous electrical activity in epileptic seizures
- co-author on paper published in International Journal of Neural Systems 27, 1650049 (2017); preprint arXiv:1512.01622
- poster presentation at APS March meeting (Baltimore, MD, 2016); abstract #M1.311
- poster at Towson University Student Research Expo (2016)