The following 53 students have worked or are working with me on research at Towson University (click on a name to learn more):
These young scientists are co-authors on 17 journal articles and 3 refereed conference proceedings. They have presented 80 posters and 34 oral talks at scientific meetings around the country, receiving 7 special prizes. Between them, they have collected 22 Rubendall awards, 5 Pelham awards and 11 Loh scholarships (our department’s highest student honors) as well as 2 awards from the Society of Physics Students. They have participated in 4 workshops and 25 internships or Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) at institutions in the USA, Germany and The Netherlands. Thirty-five are or have been supported by summer research grants from the Fisher College of Science and Mathematics, Maryland Space Grant Consortium or Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation. Twenty-two have gone on to graduate school (including 7 in Towson’s Masters program in Applied Physics) and four have become teachers. One was interviewed on the Smithsonian television channel, another starred in a NASA outreach video, two were invited to the headquarters of Wolfram Research to share their codes with the developers of Mathematica, and three contributed to the discovery of gravitational waves that won the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics.

Note to potential new students! If you are interested in pursuing research yourself, check out my ongoing opportunities for new projects.