We are excited to announce that MarylandView and the Department of Geography & Environmental Planning at Towson University are co-organizing the 2023 Geospatial Technology Summer Camp that will be held at Towson University from July 10th to July 13th, 2023. Designed exclusively for Maryland high school students (9th-12th grade), this all-inclusive, overnight camp spans four days and three nights, providing a comprehensive experience for those interested in exploring geospatial technologies.
Throughout the camp, students will receive hands-on experience with cutting-edge geospatial technologies, including digital cartography, GPS, satellite remote sensing, and aerial photography. Additionally, they will delve into various activities that showcase the excitement of college life and foster team building.
The key highlights of the summer camp include:
- team building
- drone flying
- aerial photography
- satellite imagery collection and analysis
- GPS data collection
- digital mapping
- field data collection
- NASA field trip
- and more!
The registration period for this year’s camp concluded on June 23rd. However, we encourage you to mark your calendars and join us in 2024 for another engaging summer camp experience.
For any inquiries, please reach out to Dr. Carter Wang at cwang@towson.edu.