Previous Updates to Blackboard SaaS

All updates older than 3 months are listed on this page.

November 7, 2024

  • Ultra Courses:
    • Ultra Document Block Resizing Improvements: Improvements have been made to the vertical resizing of a block within an Ultra document. This will help for blocks that are too tall to fit on one screen at a time or have multiple blocks along one edge.
    • Ultra Document Empty Indicator: When an instructor creates a block on an Ultra document but does not add anything to the block, Blackboard will now provide a line of text, only visible to the instructor, that the block is empty and to click on the block to activate and add content.
    • Skip Link to Content: There is now a “Skip to course information” bar added to courses that have a large image header on the content page within the course. This will allow users to skip directly to the first piece of content without having to scroll, and is especially helpful for users who navigate with the keyboard or have assistive technology needs.
    • Print Tests with Question Pools: Instructors can now print tests that have questions from a question pool. When printing a test, it will generate a new question list and answer key for each version printed.
    • Improvements for Assignment File Submissions: When students upload a file for an assignment submission, there are now improvements in how Blackboard handles the files, including: managing multiple file uploads and waiting for one document to upload before attaching another; file size limit notifications; and corrupted file alerts.
    • Discussion Board Replies: A reply to a discussion post will now be indented to better distinguish between an initial response and any replies to the response.
    • Editing Discussion Board Topics: Instructors will no longer be able to delete the Discussion Topic instructions. The only option will be Edit.
    • Download Student Activity Log: Instructors will now be able to download a student’s activity log while viewing the log. The log will be downloaded as a CSV and will only include the first 1000 events. If there are more than 1000 rows, additional filters may be applied within Blackboard and will apply to the downloaded log.
    • Changes to Batch Edit: Since the “change dates to a specific date and/or time” is the most popular option while editing items within the Batch Edit menu, it has been set to the default option.
  • Mobile App:
    • Updates to the Blackboard App Theme: To reflect Anthology Inc.’s rebranding, the Blackboard Learn App will now be known simply as the Blackboard App. In addition, the app will now feature a new name and app description, as well as a new app icon and splash page shown while the app is loading.
  • Resolved Known Issues:
    • Assignments with multiple attempts will not update when a new submission is made
      • When a student submits a new attempt for an assignment with multiple attempts, the gradebook will not automatically show the most recent attempt when the instructor opens the assignment.
    • Course settings menu does not work when on the groups tab
      • When an instructor is on the Groups page within a course, an clicks on the Course Settings menu in the top right, it will not open.
    • Journal feedback disappears upon grading submissions
      • When adding feedback to a journal entry and posting the grade, the feedback disappears when accessing the entry again.
    • Setting release conditions breaks when using scores with decimals
      • When an instructor creates a release condition rule based on a performance criteria, and the test selected for the criteria has a score containing decimals, the release condition rule breaks, and the instructor receives an “Oops!” error message.
    • Space added in front of content in tables during conversion process
      • When a course is converted from Original to Ultra, any table that has been created will have an additional space added before the content in each cell in the table during the conversion process.
    • Student activity report not showing student list
      • When an instructor views the student activity report, it will not load the list of students.
    • Student activity time in downloaded log shows in UTC
      • When an instructor downloads an activity report or access log for an assignment or tests, the time that is displayed in the downloaded log shows as UTC time.
    • Unable to add performance release conditions using overall grade
      • When setting a performance-based release condition, using the Overall Grade when it is displayed with points, an error messages will be displayed and the release conditions will not be set.
    • Undo button stops working in Assignment text editor
      • When an instructor is editing an Assignment and clicks outside of the text box, once they click back in, the Undo button on the text editor no longer works.

October 3, 2024

  • Ultra Courses:
    • Ultra Document updates: New updates to the Ultra Document item were added, including: returning the default file option to View and Download; keyboard navigation options when resizing blocks; and redo button and cursor function updates.
    • Knowledge Check updates: An update to the new Knowledge Check feature has been released that modifies the default difficulty metric to display as “–” until there is at least one attempt. Additionally, answer instruction text now reads “choose one or more correct answers” to align with the instructor’s ability to select more than one correct answer for the question.
    • Student Submission Review Page updates: New updates to the submission review page for students have been added, including: the ability for preview user accounts to view the submission review page; the ability for students to access offline submissions from this page; additional labels and other indicators for ease of access; and a “read more” option when viewing overall or attempt feedback.
    • Followed Discussion Emails: Users can now choose to have an email notification when using the “Follow Discussion” option.
    • Flexible Grading performance improvements: Improvements were made to the flexible grading panels, including faster load times when scrolling through the student list, posting grades, or viewing the rubrics.
  • Resolved Known Issues:
    • Unable to launch Cengage on iOS devices
      • When accessing a Cengage link on an iOS device using the Blackboard mobile app, the Cengage link won’t load.
    • Group discussions do not show new post icon except for group 1
      • When an instructor has group discussions, only group 1 (or the first group in the list) will show an icon for a new submission. Any other groups will not show the new post icon, even if there are new posts to read.
    • Screen Reader not reading attachment titles
      • When a user is using a screen reader, the title of an attachment will not be read as they navigate the page.
    • Screen Reader not reading sub-menus on homepage
      • When a user is using a screen reader, sometimes the screen reader will not read the three dot sub-menu when navigating through the homepage.
    • Sorting announcements by status column causes error
      • When sorting the announcements by the “status” column, an error message appears and the announcements are no longer accessible.
    • Ultra document content not visible when copying learning modules with force sequence enabled
      • When copying a Learning Module with force sequence enabled, the Ultra Document content is not visible to students, even if the document itself is visible.

September 5, 2024

  • Ultra Courses:
    • Knowledge Check in Ultra Documents: Instructors can now add a knowledge check when creating an Ultra Document. This can contain multiple choice and multiple answer, with automatic feedback. Instructors can also see metrics once students have completed the Knowledge Check.
    • Content Page Enhancements: The course content page has now flipped. The content for the course is aligned to the left, while the Instructor information and Details & Action tab is listed on the right. This also created greater content depth and structure when viewing content items.
    • Review Instructor Feedback: Students now have a new view when looking at their submission and reviewing instructor feedback. This provides information on the grade, any feedback or rubric items, and for assignments, any Annotate comments on their submission.
    • Assignment Feedback when Assignment is Hidden: Students can also now see feedback on assignments that are hidden by a release condition. This is currently only available for assignments.
    • Exclude Attempt when Grading: Instructors can now choose to exclude an attempt while grading student attempts for a test or assignment. These attempts will be labeled “Excluded” and will not appear on the Needs Grade panel.
    • Grading Overview Tab: Instructors can now see a new Overview tab within the Gradebook. This tab includes a list of what needs to be graded and what needs to be posted to students, and will allow quick access to any of these items for instructors to do their grading tasks.
    • Late Submissions that Need Grading: When a student has submitted a late assignment or test that has automatic zeros enabled, the indication that there is a new submission is clearer for instructors, and the 0 has been removed.
    • Student Activity Log: Instructors can now view a Student Activity Log when viewing an individual student in the gradebook. Activity items included are starting, saving, or submitting an assessment or discussion and accessing the course.
  • Resolved Known Issues:
    • Calculated formula answer range rounds to 3 decimal places
      • When calculated formula questions are used, the answer range always rounds to 3 decimal places, regardless of the chosen decimal places under the options for the answer set.
    • Editing a learning module takes more time to load than expected
      • When trying to edit a learning module, the page takes longer to load than expected.
    • Select All button in grade center messages feature does not work as expected
      • When an instructor is viewing an assignment and has sorted by “No Submission” and uses the “Select All” option to send a message reminder to students have not submitted, the message will show all students, regardless of submission status.
    • Submission fails to load on Bb Annotate
      • When an instructor attempts to view a submission that includes an uploaded document, the document will not load in Annotate for several days.
    • Trash can icon disappears in release conditions when item title is too long
      • When creating a release condition on an item with a title more than 35 characters long, the trash can icon is not visible.

August 8, 2024

  • Ultra Courses:
    • Enhanced Ultra Documents: An updated Ultra document format will allow instructors to change the layout of the document, add new block types, and resize or move blocks within the page.
    • Multiple Release Condition Rules: Instructors can now set multiple release conditions rules on an item, and apply a rule to the entire course, a small group of users, or a specific user.
    • Enhanced Assignment Tool: An updated Assignment tool will now allow instructors to add instructions when creating the assignment. Additionally, questions will no longer be available when creating an Assignment, and blank attempts will not be created when an assignment is viewed without an attempt submitted.
    • Anonymous Submissions for Forms: Instructors can now allow Form submissions to be anonymous. Anonymous Form submissions will have specific settings automatically enabled. Instructors will still be able to view submissions and add feedback or grades, but the associated student names will not be shown.
    • Ability to Follow Discussions: All users will now be able to “Follow” a discussion, which will send them notifications when a new contribution has been added to the discussion.
    • Sending Messages from Group Spaces: Users within a group can now send a message directly from the group space, instead of going to the Messages tab within the course.
    • Improvements to Flexible Grading: Instructors will now see a “Next Student” and “Previous Student” option at the top of the page when grading a test or assignment within Blackboard, to allow for easier movement between submissions.
    • Status Information Removed from Downloaded Gradebook File: When downloading the gradebook file, previously instructors would see the status before the grade, such as “Ready to Post” or “In Progress”. This status has now been removed from the downloaded file.
    • Enhancements to the Math Formula Editor: Enhancements have been made to the Math Formula Editor to allow for a quicker response time.
    • Changes to Undeployed Tests During Course Copy: When copying a test from Original to Ultra, undeployed tests will now be made into a Question Bank instead of being added as a test inside of a folder called “Undeployed tests”.
  • Resolved Known Issues:
    • Ultra Courses: Annotate tools are not saving the previous settings
      • When using the Annotate tools, some of the options will not save when moving from one assignment to another.
    • Ultra Courses: Assessments in copied learning modules or folders are still visible in the gradebook after the module or folder is deleted
      • When an instructor copies a learning module or folder from one course to another that contains a test or assignment, then deletes the folder or learning module from the new course, the corresponding column for the assessment still remains in the gradebook, even though the assessment has been deleted.
    • Ultra Courses: Calculated formula values change each time they are viewed
      • When viewing the student’s attempts in a test with a calculated formula question, the values assigned to each student change when navigating through the submissions. This does not affect the grade, but the variable’s shown values.
    • Ultra Courses: Changing the document’s display name changes the downloaded file name
      • When uploading a file to an Ultra document, if the document’s display name is changed, the downloaded file name gets modified as well.
    • Ultra Courses: Email reminders for gradable items are not sending when an item has release conditions set
      • When using the Send Reminder option on a column for an item that has release conditions set, the email does not send and an error is shown to the instructors.
    • Ultra Courses: Graded discussion feedback disappears after a second instructor saves feedback
      • When one instructor adds and saves feedback on a discussion board, then a second instructor saves additional feedback, the feedback from the first instructor disappears.
    • Ultra Courses: Group attempts fail to load when accessed through grid view
      • When an instructor attempts to access a group’s assignment submission from the grid view of the gradebook, the attempts fail to load.
    • Ultra Courses: Matching question answers cannot be changed after an attempt has been made
      • When an instructor creates a Matching question, and an attempt is already associated with the question, the instructor cannot make any additional changes to the answer pairs.
    • Ultra Courses: Message tool displays combined parent course name instead of individual child section name
      • When a student selects Messages from the Ultra Base Navigation menu, on any combined courses listed, the student will see the combined course name instead of their individual section.
    • Ultra Courses: Test or Assignment made unavailable during in-progress attempts will stop saving without warning the student
      • When a test or assignment is made unavailable, either manually or due to availability restrictions, and there are attempts in-progress, the in-progress attempts will stop saving the answer(s) entered by the student(s) with no indication to the student. When the student finishes the test, all questions answered after the test is made unavailable will not be saved at all.

July 4, 2024

  • Ultra Courses:
    • Accessing Feedback for Students: Students will now be able to view feedback from instructors easier, without needing as many clicks to view the feedback. When viewing their grade, feedback will be available once the grade panel is opened on the right side, without needing to go directly to the assignment.
    • Printing Answer Keys: In June, instructors were able to print a paper version of their test from Blackboard. Now, instructors can also print a paper answer key to their test for any assessment.
    • Printing Test Improvements: Improvements were made to the printed versions of tests from Blackboard. These improvements include not splitting questions, answer sets, lists, or tables across pages, and images will be printed on the same page as the respective questions for the image.
    • Send Email when Scheduling Announcements: Instructors can now choose to schedule an announcement for a future date, while also selecting the option to send the announcement as an email. The email will be sent the same date and time the announcement is scheduled to be posted.
    • Needs Grading Improvements: Improvements were made for assessments that allow for multiple attempts. Now, an instructor will see which attempt(s) need to be graded when looking at the Submissions page.
    • Recording Audio/Video Feedback: Instructors can now add audio and/or video feedback for students when grading tests by question, instead of on the assessment overall.
    • Flexible Grading Improvements: Updates have been made to how students will be listed on the Students and Questions panel when grading an assignment or test, including only counting attempts that need to be graded and not attempts that will not count towards the student’s grade.
    • Group Submission Page Improvements: Improvements were made to the group submission page to address page performance and reduce loading times.
  • Resolved Known Issues:
    • Ultra Base Navigation: Course filters not remaining in different browsers or devices
      • When setting a default filter on one browser or device, the filter will not stick across all devices or browsers.
    • Ultra Courses: Attachment links in messages are sent as an un-clickable token
      • When an instructor sends a message with an attachment, the attachment link is broken in the received message and cannot be clicked on.
    • Ultra Courses: Changing due date time from AM to PM causes due date to change
      • When changing the time an assignment is due from AM to PM, the due date changes to one day previous to the actual date.
    • Ultra Courses: Copied content from Original with Adaptive Release does not work
      • When content from Original courses that have Adaptive Release rules are copied into Ultra Courses, the Adaptive Release dates do not work, as they cannot be edited with Release Conditions.
    • Ultra Courses: Discussion board input area does not expand on Google Chrome
      • When editing or responding to a discussion board when using Google Chrome, the discussion input area does not expand.
    • Ultra Courses: Grading journals from submission page causes an error
      • When grading a Journal by opening a student’s submission page, an error appears and they cannot grade the Journal.
    • Ultra Courses: Using the Batch Edit menu may cause an Oops error message
      • When using the Batch Edit menu to update dates for items and clicking Save, the changes may not save and an “Oops” message may appear.

June 6, 2024

  • Courses page navigation: New updates to the Courses page have been released, including the removal of the terms from the top of the page and adding a term filter instead; courses are labeled by term on the page when no filters are selected; once a filter has been selected, the filter will stick for the next time you log in, including search terms, and removing the “Upcoming” term unless there are courses for that term.
  • Ultra Courses:
    • Printing tests: Instructors can now print a test created on Blackboard. Currently, this will only print test questions that are created inside the test, not linked questions or questions that are from a question pool.
    • Streamlined editing of point value for questions: When editing the points a question is worth, there are now less clicks needed to update the point value for an individual question.
    • Return questions to an unanswered state: Students can now revert a true/false question back to an unanswered state and clear their selected answer.
    • Post immediately for announcements: Instructors can now choose whether to post an announcement immediately when creating, or save the announcement as a draft. Previously, instructors would need to save the announcement, then click post for it to be visible to students.
    • Prevent auto-assigning members in self-enroll groups: When instructors create self-enroll groups and the self-enrollment period has ended, they can now disable the feature to automatically have Blackboard assign remaining students to groups. This allows for better control of the group membership at the instructor level.
    • Group member list available within a selected group: Instructors can now see who is part of a specific group while that group page is open. When clicking the “Show Members” option from the groups page, it will open the Group roster within the group space.
    • Grade by question filtering: When grading a test or assignment by question, instructors can now choose whether to see all answers, graded answers, or answers that still need to be graded. This functionality is similar to the grade by student filtering.
    • Grade notes for student grades: Instructors can now add private notes for themselves or other Instructors, Teaching Assistants, and Graders within their course. These are private to those with grading privileges and not shown to the students. These notes are saved as part of the student record within the course.
    • Improved visibility of grades and feedback for students: When entering a course with a new grade or feedback, students will now see a circled number next to the Gradebook option on the top menu bar. Once they click on the Gradebook tab, any items with new grades or feedback will be moved to the top of their view, as well as an indicator to the left of the item name. Once the item has been reviewed, the indicator will be removed and the item will move to the correct position with the gradebook.
    • Weighted calculation updates: New updates to the weighted calculation feature have been added, including: a % per item label for categories, as well as a 0% per item label if the category is excluded, and an update to the category calculation rule if dropping grades or using only a certain number of grades per category.
  • Mobile App:
    • Updated landing page enhancements: New filters have been added to the Courses, Organizations, and Grades pages on the mobile app. These filters are similar to the features on the web version of Blackboard and will be listed when viewing the respective page on the app.
  • Resolved Known Issues:
    • Mobile App/Browser: Some LTI and web links won’t open on mobile app
      • When accessing a course using the mobile app, some LTI items and web links do not open and show an error message.
    • Ultra Courses: Anonymous grading feedback disappears
      • When adding feedback to an anonymous grading test before adding the grade, the feedback text is saved. Once the user logs out and signs back in, the feedback disappears.
    • Ultra Courses: Assignments submitted near the due date and time show error message when accessing the attempt
      • When a user posts an assignment near the due date and time, any file attachments are not saved. When the instructor tries to access the submission attachment, they receive an error message.
    • Ultra Courses: Attachments in emailed announcements are not clickable
      • When an instructor creates and sends an announcement via email and has an attachment included in the email, the attachment cannot be clicked when looking at the email.
    • Ultra Courses: Copied question banks removed alt-text from images in questions
      • When copying a Question Bank from one course to another that contains question images, any alt-text for images in the questions are wiped.
    • Ultra Courses: Granular course copy removes folder and learning module structure
      • When using the granular course copy feature, and copying folders or learning modules that contain tests or content links, the tests and content links are placed on the main content page and are removed from the folder or learning module during the course copy. All other content stays in the correct folder or module.
    • Ultra Courses: Message user interface will not open from gradebook
      • When an instructor is trying to send a message to a student through the gradebook, the message panel will not open.
    • Ultra Courses: Multiple self-enrollment group set blinks when accessing sign-up page
      • When a student goes to the self-enrollment group page to sign up for a group, the group names blink repeatedly and lead to a non-responsive page.
    • Ultra Courses: Rubric scores don’t save on first save attempt
      • When grading an assignment using a rubric, sometimes the selected criteria is not saved and appears empty.
    • Ultra Courses: Students cannot insert tables correctly in essay questions on the first try
      • When students insert a table into an essay question, the table will not be inserted, and blank spaces are created.
    • Ultra Courses: Unsaved text disappears when switching browser size
      • When creating a document, any unsaved text entered into the document will disappear if the user switches the browser window from small to large or vice versa while editing the document.

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