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Data Sources

The following is a list of sources where you can find remote sensing data and products.

Data for Maryland


MD iMAP, made available by the Maryland government, is an open data portal for remote sensing and otherGIS data. In addition to data they also have mapping applications and information on GIS initiatives, innovations, and training.

Towson University – Center for GIS (CGIS)

Center for GIS, hosted by Towson University, works to create meaningful analysis with their collaborators. It seeks to expand the use of GIS by increasing its accessibility and informing customers. They also provide information about training.

UMD GIS and Spatial Data Center

The GIS and Spatial Data Center from University of Maryland works to support and assist those connected to the College Park campus. They have many different types of data, maps, and resources as well as information  about GIS and training.

International Data

USGS EarthExplorer

USGS EarthExplorer is a data portal where you can search for satellite imagery, aerial photographs, GIS products and more.

NASA Earth Data Search

NASA Earth Data Search is a portal that allows you to search for various products by different organizations, instruments, projects and more.

NASA WorldView

NASA WorldView allows you to view the entire world over time through satellite imagery. It is updated daily.


NASA LAADS DAAC is one of twelve archive systems within the NASA program. It has more specific remote sensing data available for level 1 and atmospheric sciences.



GFCC FCC and GFCC TC are 30 meter, multi-year data for global forest cover change – forest cover and tree cover, respectively.


SEDAC, Socioeconomic Data and Application Center, provides maps combining socioeconomic data with scientific data. They are also produced over time so you can see how the population is changing as well.

USGS National Map

USGS National Map is a collaborative project that combines efforts from USGS entities and other facilities to establish data regarding the topography of the United States. This map has a variety of applications and uses from scientific to recreational.


NAIP, the National Agriculture Imagery Program, focuses on collecting satellite imagery during the  growing season. This imagery is taken at 1 meter ground sample distance (GSD) and can be used to benefit farm programs


Most data analysis is completed with the help of GIS related software. These applications allow you to map your data and identify meaningful relationships. It is important to note that most of these software are not free to use, thought many have free-trials.

ERDAS Imagine

ERDAS Imagine is a processing software made available by Hexagon. It used for geospatial data and other types of imagery as well such as those created with LiDAR or vector data. The application has many geospatial analysis tools for use such as layering, mosaicking, and classification of remotely sensed imagery.


ENVI, by L3Harris, is an easy to use software for geospatial analysis and image processing. The application supports analysis of several data types including hyperspectral, thermal, and LiDAR. It is also compatible with ESRI’s ArcGIS platform.

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ArcGIS software is provided by ESRI, the Environmental Systems Research Institute. This company has created a wide range of applications for a variety of uses such as data collection, mapping, and spatial analysis. ArcGIS Pro Desktop and ArcMap are powerful mapping applications where you can analyze many types of data. They also host ArcGIS Online, where you can easily access and share your data with others.


QGIS is an open source software for GIS analysis. This application is free to use and constantly growing with updates to increase editing and analysis capabilities.

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Pix4D is unique for drone mapping and photogrammetry processing. It has a variety of apps and desktop platforms to fit all your drone flying and imagery processing needs.

Google Earth Pro

Google Earth Pro allows you to explore the planet virtually in 3D and is free tp use. It has historical imagery, allowing you to identify changes over time, among other features such as road maps and street level views.

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