Volume XI- Number 2
Abolmajd Hojjati
Abstract: Though closer to the human rights ideal than ever before, people nevertheless remain far from the realization of human rights. There are three main parts to this article. The first reviews the historical development of social processes and events that made the Universal Declaration of Human Rights possible. From 539 B.C., when Cyrus the Great proclaimed the freedom and rights of minority and religious groups in ancient Persia, to the years 1864-1929, when international conventions specified the humanitarian requirements for the treatment of war wounded and prisoners of war, recognition of human rights has long been a staple of international politics. The second part of the article discusses the problems with implementing human rights idealism. The goals, values, and effects of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been somewhat unclear from its inception. Additionally, declarations of domestic jurisdiction creates confusion regarding the focus of authority to determine jurisdiction. Due to these inefficiencies, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been difficult to enforce. Finally, the article presents an explanation of some social processes which may contribute, or detract from universal implementation of human rights and introduces new social concepts for possible usage in the future. For example, the population of the globe can be referred to as “universociety,” indicating the existence of a universal culture. For orderly social interaction within the universociety, there must be universal values that are understood by all members. Although there have been advances in human rights ideals throughout history, without these favorable social conditions, the goals and values of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are not achievable.
Key words: Human rights, Idealism, International politics, Realism, Universal culture, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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