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Featuring Dr. Henry Nau
Does Trump have a foreign policy? Is it within the guardrails of America’s foreign policy traditions? Is it conservative? Professor Nau answers yes to all three questions and explains why.
We are honored to host Dr. Henry Nau at this year’s Dr. Belgrad Speaker series on Monday, September 30th 2019, from 6:00PM – 8:00PM. The Office of Civic Engagement, the College of Liberal Arts,and the Department of Political Science will be co-sponsoring the event. Light refreshments will be provided after the event.
Henry R. Nau is Professor of Political Science and International Affairs at George Washington University. He holds a B.S. degree in Economics, Politics and Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). His latest book, Conservative Internationalism: Armed Diplomacy Under Jefferson, Polk, Truman, and Reagan was published in August 2013 (paperback 2015 with new preface) by Princeton University Press. This book was selected by The Federalist among “Notable Books of 2017.” Other books include The Myth of America’s Decline (Oxford 1990), At Home Abroad (Cornell 2002), and Perspectives on International Relations (Sage/CQ Press, 7th Edition, 2020). The latter is a textbook used at more than 200 institutions in the US and abroad. His most recent journal articles include, “Flirting with Isolationism,” Claremont Review of Books, May 30, 2019; “Democratic Globalism,” The National Interest (November/December 2018) and “America’s International Nationalism,” The American Interest (January/February 2017). He served 1981-83 on President Reagan’s National Security Council as senior staff member responsible for international economic affairs. Among other duties he was the White House sherpa for the Annual G-7 Economic Summits at Ottawa (1981), Versailles (1982), and Williamsburg (1983) and a special summit with developing countries at Cancun, Mexico (1982). Dr. Nau also served, in 1975-1977, as Special Assistant to the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs in the Department of State. He served two years as a Lieutenant in the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, NC.
Offered under the auspices of the Towson University Journal of International affairs, the goal of this speaker series is to shed light on a timely issue in the general field of international relations, broadly construed. In keeping with the spirit of the man in whose honor it was created, the speakers will seek to guide the audience to think more clearly about the topic of their talk rather than present predetermined conclusions meant for the sterile kinds of ideological “debate” that is unfortunately so prevalent today. We are particularly interested in inviting a broad spectrum of students to attend the talks in hopes of generating conversations and independent analysis. The opening remarks of the speakers will be published in that semester’s issue of the journal and will be featured prominently on the journal’s website.
* The Dr. Belgrad Speaker Series celebrates the life and legacy of Dr. Eric A. Belgrad, a renown and beloved political science professor at Towson University and the founder of the Towson University Journal of International Affairs. This series hosts guest speakers to provide lectures on international affairs topics and invites students and others to openly engage in discussion during Q&A sessions.