Edward C. Marasciulo 

Abstract: Around Europe there is an increasing amount of immigration to its central and southern countries, this is creating considerable tension throughout the entire region. We are also seeing this currently happening in the US, as there is no more willingness to accept newcomers in Europe than there is in America. These immigration crises are causing world governments to seek new ways to deal with population pressures, in order to alleviate the political and economic problems associated with them. This article examines the impact of increased immigration in the United States by looking at its affect on United States’ society. It determines the American population is concerned over the idea of the US being the world’s largest receiver of immigrants. This is leading to criticism over current immigration policies, and fear throughout the country of what a quickly growing population might look like. The article concludes by offering two options the US could take to ease tensions surrounding immigration. One, they need to improve relations with Cuba and Haiti, as until relations are resolved with these two countries, there will be a constant fear and xenophobia surrounding them. Two, they need to improve the economic situation among those affected by the influx of immigrants. This will ease tensions associated with immigrants creating economic issues.


Key Words: Immigration, Xenophobia, Cuba, Haiti

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