All submissions to the TJIA undergo the following review process; all articles are blind reviewed. First, each submission is evaluated by the editorial team and faculty director, who assess the submission’s readability and contribution to the literature. In particular, journal members consider the manuscript’s writing quality, evidence, originality, and the strength and clarity of its argument and analysis. Following the initial round of review, each submission will be placed into one the following categories:
- Accepted – the submission generates enough confidence for immediate publication in the upcoming issue of the Journal, following a copy-editing process.
- Once a submission has been accepted for publication, it will be copy-edited by the journal staff. Authors, of course, enjoy the right of final approval for all copy-edits.
- Revise and Resubmit – the submission exhibits potential for publication in the Journal, but requires the author to undertake revisions that exceed the more limited scope of copy-editing. Examples of the kinds of revision that warrant this outcome include, but are not limited to: requiring more research; restructuring the analysis, either significantly or in minor ways; reformulating the thesis; or extensively revising the writing style. Such revisions will be outlined in a letter to the author that incorporates comments from the entire Journal staff with the invitation to resubmit the revised manuscript.
- A resubmission only guarantees publication if the author has met the requirements laid out in the R+R letter. Submissions that are revised and resubmitted will be subjected to another round of blind assessment to ensure that all revisions as outlined in the letter to the author have been completed prior to acceptance.
- Rejected – the submission either lacked significant connections to international affairs, or failed to adhere to numerous content requirements, including citations and cohesive arguments.
- Rejected submissions will be accompanied by a letter to the author which thoroughly explains the Journal staff’s decision, citing specific issues within the manuscript. Nonetheless, after receiving feedback from rejected submissions, our staff encourages authors to consider submitting other research projects that they may be undertaking.