Volume IX – Number 2  

Martin Schiff

Abstract: In this article, the author analyzes the roots of the welfare state bureaucracy in Sweden and the procedures created to maintain democratic control of its processes. In addition, the author compares the welfare states of Sweden and the US to delineate the different challenges both states face. The origins of Sweden’s welfare state stem from the Great Depression and the ascendance of the Social Democrats in 1932. Sweden’s historical governance by a small elite is due to the traditional emphasis on experts over mass democracy. Due to the lack of direct contact between everyday citizens and the bureaucracy, institutions have been put in place to foster accountability and transparency. For example, the Ombudsman, an office created in 1809, is charged with inquiring into complaints concerning illegal or unjust administrative acts or sometimes acts of its own initiative, thereby serving as a grievance organ for discontented citizens. The Freedom of the Press Act serves as another check on the bureaucracy as it allows the public to request and view nearly all official documents, except for those concerning national security, without providing any justification. Despite these checks, many citizens still feel that they are underrepresented in bureaucratic decision making. Such discontentment was seen with 1973 Riksdag elections in which gains were made by the Center Party which advocated for decentralized decision-making and popular participation in policy-making. The Swedish experience with the welfare state is significant for the US because both states have a complex welfare system with similar roots. However, there are key differences. The US’s much larger population and leading role in the Cold War make the implementation of the Ombudsman and a policy like the Freedom of the Press Act unlikely. Overall, to account for average citizens’ concerns, the US is more likely to give greater weight to poor, black, and consumer groups in its decision-making process.

Keywords: Sweden, Welfare State, Welfare, Bureaucracy, Great Depression, Ombudsman

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