Volume XXIV – Number 1
Front Matter (p. I-VI)
Energy Policy: The Key to Limiting Global Warming (p. 1-11)
Daniel A. Lashof
A Sustainable Energy Future (p. 12-19)
Christopher Flavin
Latin America: The Energy Sector and the Debt Crisis (p. 20-27)
Uziel Nogueira
The Environmental Policy of the EC: A Policy Unsure of Politica (p. 28-47)
Craig Reid
Review of Books
Mrs. Thatcher’s Revolution: The Ending of Socialist Era. By Peter Jenkins. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. (p. 48-49)
John G. Van Osdell
The Unmasterable Past: History, Holocaust and the German National Identity. By Charles S. Maier. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. (p. 50)
Herbet D. Andrews
Book Received (p. 51)
Selected Bibliography (p. 52)
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