Volume XVIII – Number 1
Front Matter (p. I-VII)
Conceptual and Political Dimensions of the Crisis in U.S.- Latin American Relations: Toward a New Policy Formulation (p. 1-10)
Howard J. Wiarda
The United States and Africa (p. 11-18)
William H. Lewis
The Middle East in Crisis (p. 19-28)
Louis J. Cantori
Transportation, Human Capital, and Growth (p. 29-34)
Carl M. Guelzo
Review of Books
Political Capacity in Developing Societies. By A.H. Somjee. United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan UK. (p. 35-36)
Robert C. Hauhart
De Gaulle. By Bernard Ledwidge. New York: St. Martin’s Press. (p. 37-39)
Roger Poirier
Selected Bibliography (p. 41-43)
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