Volume XVII – Number 1

Christopher C. Joyner

Abstract: Despite the growing estimates of hydrocarbon reserves in Mexico and the growing domestic energy demands in the U.S., the two countries have a tense relationship that prohibits the development of a mutually beneficial energy arrangement. This article assesses the factors that challenge Mexican-U.S. energy relationships and argues that a symbiotic energy relationship between the two countries is very unlikely. Additionally, the Mexican-U.S. energy policy relationship carries important lessons for U.S. commercial policy with regard to other developing countries. The analysis reveals that although the U.S. has immense global economic power which it could use to influence the Mexico’s energy production and export policies, implementing a single-minded policy without consideration for economic conditions and needs in Mexico would be short-sighted and detrimental to the development of a beneficial energy relationship. Energy relations between Mexico and the United States provide an example of the need for the U.S. to consider the cultural, economic, and political factors that exist within developing countries when approaching commercial and energy negotiations and relationships. In conclusion, the article advocates for a more diplomatic and considerate approach to global U.S. commercial and energy policy with developing countries.


Keywords: hydrocarbon, crude oil, energy security, foreign policy, developing countries, economics, trade


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