Volume XLIV – Number 2

Nate Mannone

AbstractThis article details the recent history of political conflict in Lebanon and forecasts that the role of Hezbollah as a major player in the Lebanese government will prolong the country’s instability. By examining political events dating back to the conclusion of the Lebanese Civil War in 1990, this article describes the country’s legalized occupation by Syria, and subsequent Cedar Revolution as the root of the conditions that facilitated the rise of Hezbollah in the Lebanese government. In addition, political instability in Lebanon can be attributed to the state’s unique power-sharing structure that is designed to promote cooperation and peace, however serves to further polarize the population along religious, ethnic, and nationalist lines. As a result of this fragmented system of government and frequency of violent conflict, Hezbollah has been able to exploit the political structure of the state to maintain a considerable degree of power while distancing themselves from the Lebanese public by relying on funds from foreign actors. While this article acknowledges the salience of Hezbollah in Lebanon, it alludes to the possibility for the group’s political upheaval should it lose patronage from foreign financers.


Keywords: Lebanese Civil War, Hezbollah, terrorism, power-sharing, Bashar al-Assad, The Cedar Revolution, religious politics, national identity


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