Volume XII – Number 2
Front Matter (p. i-vi)
Britain’s Withdrawal from the Persian Gulf and the Formation of the United Arab Emirates, 1968-1971 (p. 77-97)
Nelson R. Beck
The Problem of Majority Rule in the General Assembly (p. 99-110)
Kathleen Bremen
National Character as a Determinant in American Foreign Policy (p. 111-117)
Jean M. Zawitoski
United Kingdom — Economy (p. 119-135)
Edward R. Stollof
Review of Books
Arms, Men & Military Budgets Edited By William Schneider Jr., and Francis P. Hoeber. New York: Crane, Russack & Company. (p. 137-141)
Maj. Thomas A. Setz
The Russian Revolution: A Study in Mass Mobilization By John L. H. Keep. New York: Norton. (p. 142-143)
Harry Piotrowski
American Diplomatic Relations With the Middle East By Thomas A. Bryson. New Jersey: The Scarecrow Press. (p. 144-146)
Arnold Blumberg
Back Matter (p. 147-152)
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