Volume XII – Number 1
Front Matter (i-vi)
Cuba: Neighbor or Enemy (p. 1-6)
David Binder
The Concept of ‘Collective Economic Security for Development’ and Contemporary Latin American, U.S. Relations (p. 7-42)
Larmon C. Wilson
The Politics of the U.S. Trade Embargo of Cuba, 1959-1977 (p. 43-60)
David Dent and Carol O’Brien
Review of Books
The Sino-Soviet Confrontation: Implications for the Future. By Harold C. Hinton. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan. (p. 61-63)
Lawrence W. Caples
Russia: The People and the Power, the Russians. By Robert G Kaiser. New York: Atheneum. (p. 64-68)
W. Wesley McDonald
Soviet Images of America. By Stephen P Gibert. New York: Crane, Russak and Company. (p. 69-71)
Harry Piotrowski
Back Matter
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