Volume XXII – Number 2
Front Matter (p. I-X)
The United States Bullitt Mission to Russia: 1919 (p. 61-68)
Kimberly A. Heim
A Question of Dependence: Britain’s Shanghai Traders and China’s Resilience in the Face of Commercial Penetration, 1843-1939 (p. 69-97)
Clifton K. Yearly and Kerrie L. MacPherson
Geographical, Historical, and Administrative Backdrop on the “Question of Macau” (p. 99-109)
Armando M. da Silva
Innovation: The International Capital Market Response to the LDC Debt Crisis (p. 111-119)
Scott Shane
Review of Books
Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and the World. By Mikhail Gorbachev. New York: Harper and Row (p. 121-123)
Terrence Casey
Back Matter (p. X-L)
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