May 16, 2019 | Story update: Since our last update Just Another Day was just nominated for a Regional Emmy Award with the National Capital chapter. Joe Kraemer will be attending the award event June 22, 2019.
61st Emmy® Awards Gala: Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center, 5701 Marinelli Rd, North Bethesda, MD. Purchase your tickets online! More details: http://www.capitalemmys.tv/emmys/
Story update: Just Another Day: How to Survive an Active Shooting on Campus was awarded a top prize (Best of Competition) in its category for the Broadcast Education Association’s Festival of Media Arts! Joe Kraemer will be traveling to the BEA Convention in April to accept the award and participate in their annual conference. The film is still in consideration for several more awards, so fingers crossed there’s more good news to come.
Just Another Day: How to Survive an Active Shooter Event on Campus. A Public Service Announcement by the Towson University Police Department and the Office of Public Safety. Brought to you by Towson University and the Department of Electronic Media and Film. For more information visit http://www.towson.edu.
Updates from Joe Kraemer, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic Media and Film:
Just Another Day has been having great success! Firstly, we’ve been awarded a Peer Award by TIVA-DC, which is an organization of film and media professionals in the Mid Atlantic region. Their awards ceremony honors the best in video productions as ranked by peers in the industry.
Secondly, the film was awarded a Platinum Award (top prize) by the MarCom Awards, recognizing excellence in the distillation of ideas, messages and media by marketing and communication professionals.
Finally, the video is currently at 290,000 views on YouTube and seeing some impressive growth in views over the past week!
Special Thank You:
Joe Kraemer, Assistant Professor, Director of Just Another Day
Marco Kathuria, Instructor, Producer of Just Another Day
Marc May, Assistant Professor, Screenwriter
Elsa Lankford, Associate Professor, Music Composer
Adam Schwartz, Lecturer, Sound Design
Jena Richardson, Instructor, Gaffer
The rest of crew was largely composed of Towson staff, EMF and Theatre students and alumni and a handful of industry professionals. It takes a village for something of this scale.
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