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Paul S. Wesson and James M. Overduin, Principles of Space-Time-Matter: Cosmology, Particles and Waves in Five Dimensions (World Scientific, 2018). A summing up of the prospects for unification between relativity and particle physics based on the extension of Einstein’s theory of General Relativity to five dimensions. This book brings the field up to date and details many new developments and connections to particle theory and wave mechanics in particular. It was in largely finished form at the time of Paul Wesson’s untimely death in 2015, and has been completed and expanded by his former student and longtime collaborator, James Overduin. [Also available from amazon]
Paul S. Wesson, Five-Dimensional Physics: Classical and Quantum Consequences of Kaluza-Klein Cosmology (World Scientific, 2006). Extra dimensions — beyond space and time — are the best methods for unifying gravity with particle physics. The basic extension is to five dimensions (5D), as in the induced-matter and membrane theory. This descriptive text gives an up-to-date account of the classical and quantum consequences of 5D physics. It includes topics that range from Einstein’s original theory of relativity to modern views on matter. The book is mathematically precise and focuses on new ideas which appeal to readers. Examples of new ideas are: The big-bang universe, which is curved by matter in 4D, may be viewed as a smooth and empty world in 5D; the uncertainty of quantum interactions in spacetime may be regarded as the consequence of deterministic laws in higher dimensions. This book will interest people who think about the ‘meaning of things’. [Also available from amazon]
Paul S. Wesson, Space-Time-Matter: Modern Kaluza-Klein Theory (World Scientific, 1999; 2nd edition 2007). Einstein endorsed the view of Kaluza that gravity could be combined with electromagnetism if the dimensionality of the world is extended from 4 to 5. Klein applied this idea to quantum theory, laying a basis for the various modern versions of string theory. Recently, work by a group of researchers has resulted in a coherent formulation of 5D relativity, in which matter in 4D is induced by geometry in 5D. This theory is based on an unrestricted group of 5D coordinate transformations that leads to new solutions and agreement with the classical tests of relativity. This book collects together the main technical results on 5D relativity, and shows how far we can realize Einstein’s vision of physics as geometry. [Also available from amazon]
Review Article:
- J.M. Overduin and P.S. Wesson, “Kaluza-Klein gravity,” Phys. Rep. 283 (1997) 303-380 [Link to paper or preprint]