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Articles (since 2001):
- P.H.R.S. Moraes, “Cosmic acceleration from varying masses in five dimensions,” Int. J. Mod. Phys. D. 25 (2015) 1650009 [Link to paper or preprint]
- P.H.R.S. Moraes, “Cosmological solutions from induced matter model applied to 5D f(R,T) gravity and the shrinking of the extra coordinate,” Eur. Phys. J. C. 75 (2015) 168 [Link to paper or preprint]
- P.H.R.S. Moraes, “Cosmology from induced matter model applied to 5D f(R,T) theory,” Astrophys. Sp. Sci. 352 (2014) 273 [Link to paper or preprint]
- P.S. Wesson and J.M. Overduin, “Scaling relations for the cosmological “constant” in five-dimensional relativity,” Adv. High Energy Phys. 2013 (2013) 214172 [Download paper or link to preprint]
- A. Bejancu, C. Calin and H.R. Farran, “Classification of 5D warped spaces with cosmological constant,” J. Math. Phys. 53 (2013) 122503 [Link to paper or download preprint]
- J.M. Romero and M. Bellini, “Induced Matter Theory of gravity from a Weitzenbock 5D vacuum and pre-big bang collapse of the universe,” (2012) [Link to preprint]
- F.A. Membiela and M. Bellini, “Semiclassical gravitoelectromagnetic inflation in a Lorentz gauge: seminal inflaton fluctuations and electromagnetic fields from a 5D vacuum state,” Phys. Lett. B685 (2010) 1-7; Erratum ibid 688 (2010) 356 [Link to paper or preprint]
- J. Ponce de Leon, “Brans-Dicke cosmology in 4D from scalar-vacuum in 5D,” J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 03 (2010) 030 [Link to paper or preprint]
- J. Ponce de Leon, “Late time cosmic acceleration from vacuum Brans-Dicke theory in 5D,” Class. Quant. Grav. (2010) [Link to paper or preprint]
- J.M. Romero and M. Bellini, “The seed of magnetic monopoles in the early inflationary universe from a 5D vacuum state,” Phys. Lett. B674 (2009) 143-145 [Link to paper or preprint]
- M. Israelit, “Dark matter and cosmic acceleration from Wesson’s IMT,” Gen. Rel. Grav. 41 (2009) 2847-2866 [Link to paper or preprint]
- F.A. Membiela and M. Bellini, “Dark energy from gravitoelectromagnetic inflation?” Nuovo Cim. B123 (2008) 241-245 [Link to paper or preprint]
- P.S. Wesson, B. Mashhoon and J.M. Overduin, “Cosmology with decaying dark energy and cosmological ‘constant’,” Int. J. Mod. Phys. D17 (2008) 2527-2533 [Link to paper]
- P.S. Wesson, “A new look at the big bang,” Int. J. Mod. Phys. D17 (2008) 635-639 [Link to paper]
- M. Anabitarte and M. Bellini, “Gauge invariant metric fluctuations in the early universe from STM theory of gravity: nonperturbative formalism,” Phys. Lett. B652 (2007) 233-237 [Link to paper or preprint]
- S.P.G. Martinez, L.F.P. da Silva, J.E.M. Aguilar and M. Bellini, “Stochastic approach of gravitational waves in presence of a decaying cosmological parameter from a 5D vacuum theory of gravity,” Nuovo Cim. 122B(2007) 897-907 [Link to paper or preprint]
- J.M. Overduin, P.S. Wesson and B. Mashhoon, “Decaying dark energy in higher-dimensional gravity,” Astron. Astrophys. 473 (2007) 727-731 [Link to paper or preprint]
- J. Ponce de Leon and P.S. Wesson, “A class of anisotropic five-dimensional solutions for the early universe,” Europhys. Lett. 84 (2007) 20007 [Download paper or link to preprint]
- J.E.M. Aguilar, M. Anabitarte and M. Bellini, “Gauge-invariant metric fluctuations from NKK theory of gravity: de Sitter expansion,” Phys. Lett. B632 (2006) 6-12 [Link to paper or preprint]
- M. Anabitarte and M. Bellini, “Space Time Matter inflation,” J. Math. Phys. 47 (2006) 042502 [Link to paper or preprint]
- J. Ponce de Leon, “Reinventing spacetime on a dynamical hypersurface,” Mod. Phys. Lett. A21 (2006) 947-959 [Link to paper or preprint]
- C. Zhang, H. Liu, L. Xu and P.S. Wesson, “Universe evolution in a 5D Ricci-flat cosmology,” Mod. Phys. Lett. A21 (2006) 571-579 [Link to paper or preprint]
- L. Xu, H. Liu and Y. Ping, “Reconstruction of five-dimensional bounce cosmological models from deceleration factor,” Int. J. Theor. Phys. 45 (2006) 843-850 [Link to paper or preprint]
- P.S. Wesson, “Vacuum instability,” Found. Phys. 19 (2006) 285-291 [Link to paper or preprint]
- L. Xu and H. Liu, “Scaling dark energy in a five-dimensional cosmological bouncing cosmological model,” Int. J. Mod. Phys. D14 (2005) 1947-1958 [Link to paper or preprint]
- J. Ponce de Leon and P.S. Wesson, “An exact self-similar solution for an expanding ball of radiation,” Int. J. Mod. Phys. D15 (2006) 395-404 [Link to paper or preprint]
- L. Xu, H. Liu and C. Zhang, “Reconstruction of 5D cosmological models from equation of state of dark energy,” Int. J. Mod. Phys. D15 (2006) 215-224 [Link to paper or preprint]
- L. Xu, H. Liu and B. Chang, “Correspondence between 5D Ricci-flat cosmological models and quintessence dark energy models,” Mod. Phys. Lett. A20 (2005) 3105-3114 [Link to paper or preprint]
- T. Liko and P.S. Wesson, “An exact solution of the five-dimensional Einstein equations with four-dimensional de Sitter-like expansion,” J. Math. Phys. 46 (2005) 062504 [Link to paper or preprint]
- H. Liu, H. Liu, B. Chang and L. Xu, “Induced phantom and 5D attractor solution in Space-Time-Matter theory,” Mod. Phys. Lett. A20 (2005) 1973-1981 [Link to paper or preprint]
- J.E.M. Aguilar, “Noncompact KK theory of gravity: stochastic treatment for a nonperturbative inflaton field in a de Sitter expansion,” Phys. Lett. B619 (2005) 208 [Link to paper or preprint]
- L. Xu and H. Liu, “Three components evolution in a simple big bounce cosmological model,” Int. J. Mod. Phys. D14 (2005) 883-891 [Link to paper or preprint]
- M. Bellini, “De Sitter inflationary expansion from a noncompact KK theory: a nonperturbative quantum (scalar) field formalism,” Phys. Lett. B609 (2005) 187-193 [Link to paper or preprint]
- B. Chang, H. Liu, H. Liu and L. Xu, “Five-dimensional cosmological scaling solution,” Mod. Phys. Lett. A20 (2005) 923-928 [Link to paper or preprint]
- T. Liko and P.S. Wesson, “The big bang as a phase transition,” Int. J. Mod. Phys. A20 (2005) 2037-2045 [Link to paper or preprint]
- E.M. Aguilar and M. Bellini, “Noncompact Kaluza-Klein theory and inflationary cosmology: a complete formalism,” Phys. Lett. B596 (2004) 116-122 [Link to paper or preprint]
- D.S. Ledesma and M. Bellini, “Single field inflationary models with noncompact Kaluza-Klein theory,” Phys. Lett. B581 (2004) 1-8 [Link to paper or preprint]
- B. Mashhoon and P.S. Wesson, “Gauge-dependent cosmological `constant’,” Class. Quant. Grav. 21 (2004) 3611-3620 [Link to paper or preprint]
- J. Ponce de Leon, “Brane-world models emerging from collisions of plane waves in 5D,” Gen. Rel. Grav. 36 (2004) 923-948 [Link to paper or preprint]
- S.S. Seahra and P.S. Wesson, “Universes encircling 5-dimensional black holes,” J. Math. Phys. 44 (2003) 5664-5680 [Link to paper or preprint]
- J. Ponce de Leon, “FLRW universes from ‘wave-like’ cosmologies in 5D,” Int. J. Mod. Phys. D12 (2003) 1053-1065 [Link to paper or preprint]
- M. Bellini, “Inflationary cosmology from STM theory of gravity,” Nucl. Phys. B660 (2003) 389-400; Erratum ibid B671 (2003) 483-497 [Link to paper or preprint]
- P. Halpern, “The mixmaster universe in five dimensions,” Gen. Rel. Grav. 35 (2003) 251-261 [Link to paper or preprint]
- P. Halpern, “Exact solutions of five-dimensional anisotropic cosmologies,” Phys. Rev. D66 (2002) 027503 [Link to paper or preprint]
- P.S. Wesson, “The shape of the Universe,” Astron. and Geophys. 43 (2002) 13-16 [Link to paper]
- S.S. Seahra and P.S. Wesson, “The structure of the big bang from higher-dimensional embeddings,” Class. Quant. Grav. 19 (2002) 1139-1155 [Link to paper or preprint]
- H. Liu and P.S. Wesson, “Universe models with a variable cosmological ‘constant’ and a `big bounce’,” Astrophys. J. 562 (2001) 1-6 [Link to paper or preprint]
- P.S. Wesson and S.S. Seahra, “Images of the big bang,” Astrophys. J. 558 (2001) L75-L78 [Link to paper]
- J. Ponce de Leon, “Inevitability of space-time singularities in the canonical metric,” Mod. Phys. Lett. A16 (2001) 1405-1411 [Link to paper or preprint]
- T. Fukui, S.S. Seahra and P.S. Wesson, “Cosmological implications of a non-separable 5D solution of the vacuum Einstein field equations,” J. Math. Phys. 42 (2001) 5195-5201 [Link to paper or preprint]
- P.S. Wesson and H. Liu, “The cosmological constant problem and Kaluza-Klein theory,” Int. J. Mod. Phys. D10 (2001) 905-912 [Link to paper or preprint]
- P. Halpern, “The behaviour of Kasner cosmologies with induced matter,” Phys. Rev. D63 (2001) 024009 [Link to paper or preprint]