Melissa Flint: Reflection from an Alumni

One of the best experiences that I had at TU was through my time in the Honors College. Starting off college with Honors Orientation was just the perfect beginning to 4 years of great opportunities. The Honors College truly provides so many resources and experiences for students that have academic, professional and personal impacts that are long-lasting.

There are so many fun events and programs set up to help students connect, have fun and learn something new. One of my favorites has always been Caffeine, Cookies and Confidence which gives students a great space to destress before finals at the end of the semester. It’s events like these that really show how much the staff cares about the well-being and engagement of the students. Starting in Douglass as a first year student who did not really get involved, and ending my time as a Student Director of the Honors College really gave me an impression just how much you can get out of this experience if you go looking for it.

I urge Honors students to take advantage of all of the events and discussions that you can be a part of as a member of the Honors College, from movie nights to internship information nights to leadership opportunities like being an OM, RO or SD if you can. Even my Honors seminar classes led to important discussions that I will hold onto for as long as I can. This is your time, and you have a great group of students and staff to offer you support and engagement. Make the most of it, and I hope you Honors experience will be as positive as mine was.

Melissa Flint ’20 graduated from Towson University and the Honors College with majors in French and Psychology with a Minor in Women’s Studies. This Fall, she begins the Graduate program for French Education at Towson University.