Samantha Morris: My Favorite Campus Spots

Hi everyone! My name is Samantha Morris, I’m a Sophomore Pre-Nursing Major in the Towson University Honors College, and I’m from Manchester, MD! I wanted to share with you some of my favorite spots on TU’s campus.

First, Douglass House, the Honors College residence hall, is one of my favorite spots on campus. Living in Douglass House allowed me to hang out with my fellow honors peers, make close-knit friends, and attend fun events each month hosted by the Douglass RA’s and honors staff. My favorite event I attended in Douglass House was “Caffeine, Cookies, and Confidence”, a night with movies, crafts, coffee, and cookies for the students to relax and unwind during finals week.

Another one of my favorite spots on campus is Burdick Hall, the gym on campus. I love going to Burdick with all of my friends to work out during the week, especially after a long day of classes. Another aspect I love about Burdick is that they offer free group fitness classes for students each week that you are able to sign up for online. My favorite group fitness classes are the yoga classes offered, and I’ve been to many with my friends on Friday afternoons. The equipment in Burdick is very new, the staff is super friendly, and it’s a fun place to be with friends if you enjoy getting a good work out in.

Another one of my favorite spots on campus is the College of Liberal Arts. During your time at Towson, you will take many classes in this academic building. I love the College of Liberal Arts because of its beautiful aesthetic and the hanging chandeliers on the 5th floor of the building that light up with a variety of different colors at nighttime when you walk past. I also enjoy this building because the classrooms are very spacious and comfortable learning environments.

My final favorite spot on campus is the Albert S. Cook Library. Whenever I have a project due or I’m simply looking for a quiet place to study, the library is the place to go. There are tons of computers available for student use, books, librarians at the help desk to answer any research questions you may have, as well as a multitude of other helpful resources. I enjoy the peaceful atmosphere and lounge areas at the library when I’m getting my work done.

These are only a few of my favorite spots on TU’s campus, and I hope you decide to check them out when you become a Towson Tiger too!

Samantha Morris ’23 is a Pre-Nursing Major. You can read more about her on our Student Bios page