August 2023: I have joined Towson University as a tenure-track Assistant Professor!
April 2023: I successfully defended my PhD dissertation. Thank you all for your support!
February 2023: Our two papers accepted to CHASE’23!
November 2022: I earned the Best PhD Forum Presentation Runner-up at SenSys’22!
October 2022: We delieved our first business pitch on DeepAuditor to potential investors! Please see the Event Flyer.
September 2022: Our paper entitled “Light Auditor: Power Measurement can tell Private Data Leakage through IoT Covert Channels” accepted to SenSys’22.
April 2022: I am truly honored to receive the Graduate Park Award from the Department of Computer Science at William & Mary.
January 2022: Our paper entitled “DeepAuditor: Distributed Online Intrusion Detection System for IoT devices via Power Side-channel Auditing” accepted to IPSN’22!
October 2021: I have presented a public speeach at the Williamsburg Regional Library! Please see more details here.
July 2021: Our paper entitled “LAX-Score: Quantifying Team Performance in Lacrosse and Exploring IMU Features towards Performance Enhancement” accepted to IMWUT!
June 2021: I proudly announce that I received the CoVA CCI Dissertation Fellowship Award (CoVA CCI)!
January 2021: Our CHASE’19 paper received the Most Downloaded Article award from Smart Health at Elsevier in 2020 [Certificate]!