What Are Condition Codes and How Can I Avoid Them?

If you submit materials that don’t meet the official Submission Requirements, you may receive a condition code instead of a score on a rubric. If you receive two or more condition codes in the same task, the task and your entire portfolio will be marked as Incomplete. You will need to retake that task in order to get a score on your edTPA. You can avoid condition codes by carefully reviewing each part of your submission to make sure it meets the content and technical requirements laid out in your handbook.

Watch the following video to learn how to avoid common condition codes. (You will need to log in with your TU NetID in order to view the video.)

Review the document edTPA Submission Requirements and Condition Codes for full details. Short descriptions of each condition code are included below.

  • Condition Code A: You submitted fewer than three lesson plans, or lesson plans cover less than three hours of instruction (for those teaching in a large time block).
  • Condition Code B: Your video cannot be played or is not of high enough quality.
  • Condition Code C: Your video does not contain audio, or the audio is not of high enough quality.
  • Condition Code D: You submitted too little evidence (for example, less than 3 minutes of video clips for Task 2) or too much evidence (for example, a commentary document that exceeds the page limits).
  • Condition Code E: You uploaded a file that was incorrect, blank, or could not be opened, or you submitted a hyperlink to a document instead of the actual document.
  • Condition Code F: You submitted an edited video, or your face did not appear in at least one of the Task 2 video clips.
  • Condition Code G: You submitted materials that did not conform to the handbook instructions for your specific content area. For example, your learning objectives don’t match the content area for which you registered; your videos do not show the minimum number of students (usually 4 students); or the student work samples do not show what individual students know or are able to do.
  • Condition Code H: You did not provide translations for materials in a language of instruction other than English. (Note: This does not apply to submissions in certain content areas, such as World Language).