Click on the region in Maryland below where you live to see links to medical, food, and other support needs for your family. To see information in various languages for things to do and places to visit in each of the five Maryland regions, click here.
Capital Region of Maryland–Frederick, Montgomery, and Prince George’s Counties
Central Region of Maryland–Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Harford, Howard Counties and Baltimore City
Eastern Shore Region of Maryland–Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, and Worcester Counties
Southern Region of Maryland–Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary’s Counties
Western Region of Maryland –Allegany, Garrett, and Washington Counties
Capital Region of Maryland—-Frederick, Montgomery, and Prince George’s Counties
American Job Center — This webpage links to information about American Job Centers located in each county and city of Maryland. The American Job Centers help immigrants and others know about jobs and resources to find jobs across Maryland. You can click on the “Translate” button on the top right corner to translate the site into many languages.
Career Pathways for Internationally Trained Immigrants and Refugees — This website has free information about career pathways and useful information about U.S. requirements for careers for people trained in their countries of origin across various fields in medical, law, education, architecture, and many other fields. You can enter your email to download a free e-guide about various fields. You can also click on the Degree Equivalency Tool to see what your degree is equivalent to in the U.S.
CASA–This organization has information about ESOL adult classes, legal immigration assistance, vocational training, citizenship assistance, and more.
Just Neighbors — Provides immigration legal services in English and Spanish for people in need of advice and support in the Prince George’s and Montgomery County areas. Clients complete a screening to receive support from Just Neighbors or a referral to one of their partner organizations.
La Clinica Del Pueblo — This site offers many supports for Spanish speaking families in the Washington D.C. and Prince George’s County areas.
Literacy Partners — This organization offers free workshops online for Spanish-speaking parents and caregivers to offer monthly workshops to support literacy and engagement with their children at home. They offer free multilingual books to families who attend their virtual workshops.
Maryland Office for Refugees and Asylees — This website that can be translated into different languages has information about supports for refugees and asylees throughout Maryland.
Montgomery County Government Resources — This site links to others throughout Montgomery County that offer various resources for multilingual families.
Montgomery County, MD Selected Schools English Classes for Adults — Click on this link you can see in various languages on the Montgomery Public Schools site to learn about adult English classes for families from selected schools in the county.
New Americans Job Information — This website from the State of Maryland Labor Department links to other resources and information about education, jobs, and other resources to support new Americans in preparing for employment.
Office of Refugee Resettlement— This national site provides resettlement services for families and unaccompanied minors in over 20 states.
Scholarship Information for Towson University and Other Colleges — Click on this link to see an information page full of hyperlinks to more information about scholarships available through Towson University, private scholarship sources, scholarship search engines to help you with your search for funds to support college enrollment, and international students’ support groups.
World Relief Baltimore — World Relief Baltimore is a non-profit organization located in Baltimore County which serves immigrants in the state of Maryland with Immigration Legal Services and Refugee Resettlement. World Relief provides direct immigration legal representation, legal advising, and assistance to new refugee families for initial needs of housing, food, furniture/household items and temporary cash assistance.
Central Region of Maryland–Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Harford, Howard Counties and Baltimore City
American Job Center — This webpage links to information about American Job Centers located in each county and city of Maryland. The American Job Centers help immigrants and others know about jobs and resources to find jobs across Maryland. You can click on the “Translate” button on the top right corner to translate the site into many languages.
Anne Arundel County Center of Help Services — This site provides help for medical, legal, and other support for families with staff fluent in Spanish and English. Classes are available for learning English, citizenship, and other topics.
Arts and Community Organizations — This site, hosted by the Walters Art Gallery, links to many arts and cultural resources for Asian American and Pacific Islander families.
Baltimore Association of Nepalese in America (BANA) — This organization provides support for mental health and other supportive resources for families from Nepal and the surrounding areas.
Baltimore Food and Job Resources — Click on this site for summer learning and search for Baltimore to see lots of places for summer activities, job possibilities for students, and free summer meals (text FOOD to 877-877).
Baltimore Medical System — This medical system has 6 locations serving uninsured and underinsured clients in the greater Baltimore area that has interpreters and services including refuge health screening, pregnancy health services, substance abuse services, dental services, and others.
Career Pathways for Internationally Trained Immigrants and Refugees — This website has free information about career pathways and useful information about U.S. requirements for careers for people trained in their countries of origin across various fields in medical, law, education, architecture, and many other fields. You can enter your email to download a free e-guide about various fields. You can also click on the Degree Equivalency Tool to see what your degree is equivalent to in the U.S.
Center of Help in Anne Arundel County — This site is full of resources for immigrant families who are interested in English classes, Citizenship classes, or youth services and classes. It also provides guidance for housing resources, medical care, legal issues, translation of applications, and other issues.
Chase Brexton Health Services in Spanish — Click on this link to see physical and mental health services offered in Spanish with sliding scales for payment.
Chinese American Parent Association of the Baltimore Community — This non-profit organization sponsors activities and events for interested Asian-American families in the Baltimore area.
DORS Maryland — This Maryland State Department of Education branch provides support to young people to 21 who have various disabilities have counseling, job placement and training, and other services to support their transition to jobs and adult living. Information is provided in various languages and they do have interpreters for families in many languages.
Dundalk Building Hope Community Center — This flyer in English and Spanish gives the contact information and services as part of the Catholic Charities network located in the Dundalk community. Services include job, insurance, and mental health support with referrals for legal, education, food, and family services support.
Dundalk and East Baltimore Area Medical and Dental Resources — This link it a chart in English and Spanish of contacts for medical and dental services at a reduced cost or sliding scale for payments.
Global Refuge — This organization provides wrap-around services (resettlement, mental health, family services, foster care, and others) for refugees and one branch is based in Baltimore. Here are links to sessions to attend about Family Reunification and Mental Health Supports.
ICNA Relief — This organization provides support to Muslim families with food pantry, mobile medical, and transitional housing for women and children services.
Immigration Outreach Service Center — This site located in Baltimore City and offers legal consultations, support for learning English, and other tutoring services.
Just Neighbors — Provides immigration legal services in English and Spanish for people in need of advice and support in the Baltimore City and Baltimore County areas. Clients complete a screening to receive support from Just Neighbors or a referral to one of their partner organizations. Here is information about live sessions with Lawyer in the Library Immigration Information to ask questions and get referrals held at an Enoch Pratt Library Branch in Baltimore City.
Latino Providers Network — This website link it to the Lation Providers Membership Directory with information and contact names from over 70 organizations in the Baltimore area that provide services and support to Latino individuals and families for health, immigration services, cultural opportunities, employment, and business services.
Latino Racial Justice Circle — This non-profit organization helps Latino immigrants in the Baltimore area with access to affordable legal immigration services, resources for learning English, and more. LRJC offers small scholarships to college each year in a selection process for Latino students. The organization also conducts community dialogues to create space for immigrants and others to share their stories in a culturally-affirming atmosphere.
Literacy Partners — This organization offers free workshops online for Spanish-speaking parents and caregivers to offer monthly workshops to support literacy and engagement with their children at home. They offer free multilingual books to families who attend their virtual workshops.
Low Income Taxpayer Clinic — This site at the University of Baltimore provides free resources, consultations, and legal representation for people experiencing tax disputes with the IRS if they qualify for the low income guidelines. Translation services are available with these services.
Maryland Office for Refugees and Asylees — This website that can be translated into different languages has information about supports for refugees and asylees throughout Maryland.
New American Careers — This is a website for a recruitment firm connected with Global Refugees that specializes in helping immigrants build resumes, practice interviewing skills, and find job possibilities in various fields in the Greater Baltimore Area including hospitality, information technology, healthcare, and others.
New Americans Job Information — This website from the State of Maryland Labor Department links to other resources and information about education, jobs, and other resources to support new Americans in preparing for employment.
Office of Refugee Resettlement— This national site provides resettlement services for families and unaccompanied minors in over 20 states.
Parents Place of Maryland — This link is a support for parents with special needs children. Among other categories, there are “Coffee and Conversations” sessions for Spanish-speaking parents and for bilingual educators.
Scholarship Information for Towson University and Other Colleges — Click on this link to see an information page full of hyperlinks to more information about scholarships available through Towson University, private scholarship sources, scholarship search engines to help you with your search for funds to support college enrollment, and international students’ support groups.
Soccer Without Boundaries — This organization supports youth who are interested in playing soccer with others of different countries of origin.
The Salaam Center — This site offers many resources and supports for Middle Eastern and Arabic families around the Baltimore area.
Turnaround Services — This organization provides services for people of intimate partner violence and human trafficking. They provide wraparound services for victims and have a Spanish bilingual liaison and use the Language Line to speak with people who need to communicate in different languages.
West Baltimore County and City Resources –Click on this page with contact information for families for medical, food, counseling, parenting, and other resources and support.
World Relief Baltimore — World Relief Baltimore is a non-profit organization located in Baltimore County which serves immigrants in the state of Maryland with Immigration Legal Services and Refugee Resettlement. World Relief provides direct immigration legal representation, legal advising, and assistance to new refugee families for initial needs of housing, food, furniture/household items and temporary cash assistance.
Eastern Shore Region of Maryland–Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, and Worcester Counties
American Job Center — This webpage links to information about American Job Centers located in each county and city of Maryland. The American Job Centers help immigrants and others know about jobs and resources to find jobs across Maryland. You can click on the “Translate” button on the top right corner to translate the site into many languages.
Career Pathways for Internationally Trained Immigrants and Refugees — This website has free information about career pathways and useful information about U.S. requirements for careers for people trained in their countries of origin across various fields in medical, law, education, architecture, and many other fields. You can enter your email to download a free e-guide about various fields. You can also click on the Degree Equivalency Tool to see what your degree is equivalent to in the U.S.
CATA Farmworker Organization — This regional non-profit organization with an office in Salisbury, MD focuses on workers’ rights, immigration, and food justice for immigrant and migrant workers in the area.
Chase Brexton Health Services in Spanish — Click on this link to see physical and mental health services offered in Spanish with sliding scales for payment.
Chesapeake Multicultural Resource Center — This organization serves families in many counties on the Eastern Shore with supports for learning English, legal immigration supports, youth services, interpretation services, health services, and more.
Literacy Partners — This organization offers free workshops online for Spanish-speaking parents and caregivers to offer monthly workshops to support literacy and engagement with their children at home. They offer free multilingual books to families who attend their virtual workshops.
Maryland Office for Refugees and Asylees — This website that can be translated into different languages has information about supports for refugees and asylees throughout Maryland.
New Americans Job Information — This website from the State of Maryland Labor Department links to other resources and information about education, jobs, and other resources to support new Americans in preparing for employment.
Office of Refugee Resettlement— This national site provides resettlement services for families and unaccompanied minors in over 20 states.
Rebirth Resource and Support Center — This organization is located in Salisbury, MD and provides support to immigrants in the area. Staff at the site speak Kreyol, Spanish, and English and provide programs and support for virtual technology resources, financial literacy, opioids outreach support, and a radio station valuing the Haitian community. They also offer after-school classes with homework help, dance classes, music classes, and counseling for immigrant youth.
Salisbury Maryland Welcome Guide — This free guide available in English, Spanish, and Kreyol list services and contact information in the Wicomico County area for food, legal, educational, and health supports for residents, including multilingual families.
Salisbury University’s College Assistance Migrant Program — Scroll down on this Grants page from Salisbury University to the College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) which assists students who are migrant or seasonal/temporary farmworkers (or children of such workers) enrolled in their first year of undergraduate studies at colleges and universities. The funding provides academic, financial, and social/health supports to ensure success.
Scholarship Information for Towson University and Other Colleges — Click on this link to see an information page full of hyperlinks to more information about scholarships available through Towson University, private scholarship sources, scholarship search engines to help you with your search for funds to support college enrollment, and international students’ support groups.
World Relief Baltimore — World Relief Baltimore is a non-profit organization located in Baltimore County which serves immigrants in the state of Maryland with Immigration Legal Services and Refugee Resettlement. World Relief provides direct immigration legal representation, legal advising, and assistance to new refugee families for initial needs of housing, food, furniture/household items and temporary cash assistance.
Southern Region of Maryland–Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary’s Counties
American Job Center — This webpage links to information about American Job Centers located in each county and city of Maryland. The American Job Centers help immigrants and others know about jobs and resources to find jobs across Maryland. You can click on the “Translate” button on the top right corner to translate the site into many languages.
Career Pathways for Internationally Trained Immigrants and Refugees — This website has free information about career pathways and useful information about U.S. requirements for careers for people trained in their countries of origin across various fields in medical, law, education, architecture, and many other fields. You can enter your email to download a free e-guide about various fields. You can also click on the Degree Equivalency Tool to see what your degree is equivalent to in the U.S.
Literacy Partners — This organization offers free workshops online for Spanish-speaking parents and caregivers to offer monthly workshops to support literacy and engagement with their children at home. They offer free multilingual books to families who attend their virtual workshops.
Maryland Office for Refugees and Asylees — This website that can be translated into different languages has information about supports for refugees and asylees throughout Maryland.
New Americans Job Information — This website from the State of Maryland Labor Department links to other resources and information about education, jobs, and other resources to support new Americans in preparing for employment.
Office of Refugee Resettlement— This national site provides resettlement services for families and unaccompanied minors in over 20 states.
Scholarship Information for Towson University and Other Colleges — Click on this link to see an information page full of hyperlinks to more information about scholarships available through Towson University, private scholarship sources, scholarship search engines to help you with your search for funds to support college enrollment, and international students’ support groups.
World Relief Baltimore — World Relief Baltimore is a non-profit organization located in Baltimore County which serves immigrants in the state of Maryland with Immigration Legal Services and Refugee Resettlement. World Relief provides direct immigration legal representation, legal advising, and assistance to new refugee families for initial needs of housing, food, furniture/household items and temporary cash assistance.
Western Region of Maryland–Allegany, Garrett, and Washington Counties
American Job Center — This webpage links to information about American Job Centers located in each county and city of Maryland. The American Job Centers help immigrants and others know about jobs and resources to find jobs across Maryland. You can click on the “Translate” button on the top right corner to translate the site into many languages.
Asian American Center of Frederick – The Asian American Center of Frederick (AACF) is a minority-led, community-based organization with a mission to provide all immigrants with essential skills and resources to become self-sufficient, successful, and contributing members of our society.
Career Pathways for Internationally Trained Immigrants and Refugees — This website has free information about career pathways and useful information about U.S. requirements for careers for people trained in their countries of origin across various fields in medical, law, education, architecture, and many other fields. You can enter your email to download a free e-guide about various fields. You can also click on the Degree Equivalency Tool to see what your degree is equivalent to in the U.S.
Centro Hispano de Frederick – From conducting English and citizenship classes to sponsoring summer STEM classes for students and year-round enrichment events for seniors, Centro has played a crucial role in helping our neighbors from other countries prosper. Vision: To equip the Hispanic community to be thriving, contributing members of Frederick County.
Family Partnership of Frederick County – GED and English as a Second Language Learner (ESL) classes are offered at Family Partnership through Frederick Community College’s Adult Education Program.
Literacy Council of Frederick County – The Literacy Council of Frederick County provides Frederick County adults with pathways to essential literacy skills.
Literacy Partners — This organization offers free workshops online for Spanish-speaking parents and caregivers to offer monthly workshops to support literacy and engagement with their children at home. They offer free multilingual books to families who attend their virtual workshops.
Maryland Office for Refugees and Asylees — This website that can be translated into different languages has information about supports for refugees and asylees throughout Maryland.
New Americans Job Information — This website from the State of Maryland Labor Department links to other resources and information about education, jobs, and other resources to support new Americans in preparing for employment.
Office of Refugee Resettlement— This national site provides resettlement services for families and unaccompanied minors in over 20 states.
Scholarship Information for Towson University and Other Colleges — Click on this link to see an information page full of hyperlinks to more information about scholarships available through Towson University, private scholarship sources, scholarship search engines to help you with your search for funds to support college enrollment, and international students’ support groups.
World Relief Baltimore — World Relief Baltimore is a non-profit organization located in Baltimore County which serves immigrants in the state of Maryland with Immigration Legal Services and Refugee Resettlement. World Relief provides direct immigration legal representation, legal advising, and assistance to new refugee families for initial needs of housing, food, furniture/household items and temporary cash assistance.