Click open templates and examples you can download and adapt for your own classroom.
Building Background Knowledge — Use this series of Google Slides to see examples of many variations to build background knowledge for your multilingual learners. Use slides 3 and 6 as templates for your own content for your class.
Cooperative Group Roles — Use this series of Google Slides to download or adjust the role cards for cooperative groups in your own classroom across content areas.
Joyful Reading Guide and Classroom Materials — Look through this 57-page resource with explanations and ready-to-use templates and questions to support young readers in enjoying reading and learning how to comprehend text. This guide also includes directions sheets for families in English and Spanish to do fun follow-up art and creative activities around a few children’s books and includes links at the end to other good literacy resources for young readers.
Newcomer Support — Use this series of Google Slide activities to help your newcomers understand common phrases and classroom materials they will need for learning and communicating at school. As a follow-up, use the “Language Learning Games” under the Families section of this Multilingual Learners Hub for your newcomers and their families practice common words they need at school, the grocery store, and around the community. In these games, simply click on the icon like the school bus for the school or the store, restaurant, or hospital pictures for common words pronounced in both their home language and in English to hear how to communicate what they want to others.
Reading Comprehension Supports for Multilingual Learners –Use this series of Google Slides to print out or show reading comprehension questions with icons for multilingual learners to practice and understand routines good readers do as they read texts across all content areas.