March 2001: Anne Arundel County Public Schools, $5,000.00 For workshop focusing on closing achievement gaps between races.
May 2001: Shriver Foundation, $2,200.00. For development of outdoor education course with environmental service learning component.
December, 2001: U.S. Department of Education, $1,500.00. For the integration of technology into classroom teaching.
February, 2002: Chesapeake Bay Trust, $1,641.00. For the construction of a schoolyard habitat area at Wicomico Day School.
March, 2002: Chesapeake Bay Trust, $981.00. For stream monitoring program at Gwynn Park Middle School.
March, 2002: Maryland Higher Education Commission, $68,985.00. Integrating the Environment and the Maryland Learning Outcomes in Science as a Vehicle to Enhance Teaching & Learning in the Elementary Classroom.
March, 2003: Chesapeake Bay Trust, $1,880.00. For schoolyard habitat improvement at Wicomico Day School.
September 2003: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, $21,820.00. For professional development program for teachers focusing on the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
September 2003: Chesapeake Bay Trust, $4,800.00. For professional development for elementary education teaching interns.
February, 2004: Chesapeake Bay Trust, $577.00. For schoolyard tree planting at Deerfield Elementary School, Harford County, Maryland.
July, 2004: Maryland Environmental Trust, $1,000.00. To erect a visitor’s trail with signage at Soldiers Delight Natural Environment Area, Owings Mills, Maryland.
August, 2004: Baltimore Community Foundation, $2,500.00. To erect a visitor’s trail with signage at Soldiers Delight Natural Environment Area, Owings Mills, Maryland.
March 2005: Maryland Department of Natural Resources, $415.00. For purchase of biologically correct model of female horseshoe crab.
May 2005: Chesapeake Bay Trust, $1,865.00. To add to schoolyard habitat project under way at Wicomico Day School, Salisbury, MD.
September 2005: National Fish & Wildlife Foundation, $7,900.00 to design and erect interpretive trail signs at Soldiers Delight Natural Environment Area.
September 2006: Chesapeake Bay Trust, $7,468.23 to implement environmental science inquiry projects at Southside Academy, Baltimore, MD.
August, 2007: American Forest Foundation, $2,500.00 to implement secondary school teacher training in the Project Learning Tree secondary curriculum modules for teachers in TU’s MAT program PDS network.
March, 2008: Chesapeake Bay Trust, $1,847.00 to implement a native plant garden at Wicomico Day School, Wicomico County
January, 2008: American Forest Foundation, $822.50 for “Bag-B-Gone” community action project initiated by Wicomico Day School, Wicomico County, promoting the use of reusable shopping bags.
May, 2008: American Forest Foundation, $5,000.00 for implementation of Project Learning Tree preservice and inservice teacher professional development workshops within Maryland.
June, 2008: North American Association for Environmental Education, $1,500.00 to develop a website and marketing materials to promote the Maryland Certified Environmental Educator Program.
September 2008: American Forest Foundation, $5,600.00 to deliver preservice educator training that enables students and faculty in education departments at colleges and universities to effectively include environmental education in their instruction.
October, 2008: National Science Foundation MSP, $1,261,180.00 for “Culturally Relevant Ecology & Environmental Literacy”, a project undertaken with Baltimore County & Baltimore City Public Schools.
September, 2009: American Forest Foundation, $3,962.00 for implementation and professional development training in Project Learning Tree early childhood curriculum.
January, 2010: American Forest Foundation, $4,650.00 for Calvert County Public School Systems CHESPAX project and integration into Project Learning Tree GreenWorks! Curricula.
January 2010: American Forest Foundation, $2,000.00 for improving the Maryland state Project Learning Tree program.
October 2010: National Project WET, $3,700.00 for teacher professional development in water education.
March 2011: Towson University Service Learning Grant for BIOL 304. $900.00 to hold Environmental Festival at TU Field Station.
April 2011: Towson University Short Term Study Abroad Development Grant, $3,000.00 to develop BIOL 115 course in Dominica.
April 2012: Maryland State Department of Education, $40,000.00 to develop Elementary STEM certificate program at Towson University.
April 2013: American Forest Foundation, $882.00 to remove invasive species at Barrie School, Montgomery County.
May 2013: Maryland State Department of Education, $110,000.00 to create program of study for secondary students in environmental, agricultural, and natural resource studies. (NOTE: This grant is payable in four installments; the first installment of $10,000 was awarded for the period of May 2013-June 2013; the second installment of $34, 976.00 was awarded for the period of July 2013-June 2014, and the third installment of $45,819.00 was awarded for the period July 2014-June 2015).
August 2014: Aquatic Resources Education, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, $22,455.00 to conduct an evaluation of the TEAM DNR program.
November 2014: Maryland Higher Education Commission, $145,900.00 to hold professional development opportunities for middle level teachers in Next Generation Science Standards and Universal Design for Learning.
August 2015: Maryland State Department of Education, $25,083.00 to provide professional development for inservice teachers and to create curriculum for the capstone course of the EANR program.
December 2016: National Center for Science & Civic Engagement, $10,000.00 to provide classroom experiences for preservice teachers at the National Aquarium.
April 2017: American Forest Foundation, $6,000.00 to provide teacher professional development workshops in underserved areas of the state.
June 2018: Towson University BTU Council, $27,000.00 to provide preservice teachers with field teaching experiences at the National Aquarium. Renewable for three years.
February 2022: National Science Foundation, $140, 257.00 to research elementary science teacher self efficacy and its connectedness to teacher retention. Five year grant.
June 2023: Chesapeake Bay Trust, $66,113.00 to gather information that will be helpful in determining key elements of place-based education and the MWEE (Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences) that directly address student goals for learning.