Calling all student groups AND history lovers! The Albert S. Cook Library is extremely excited to announce a new initiative to promote student group success while preserving Towson University’s unique and extensive history.
Housed in Cook Library’s Special Collections Department, the University Archives is currently reaching out to student groups in an effort to gather their relevant materials to preserve them in our archives. Sending your student groups’ information to the University Archives will enable a safe and secure location for important material that future cohorts can access in years to come. This will not only help your student group to grow and learn from your actions, but will also help the University Archives create a richer historical record of our vast array of student groups.
Thanks to the help of the Student Organization Coordinator, Chris Rindosh, we are able to combine our initiatives with those of the Tiger Stripes Program. If your group is aiming for package 4, you are required to submit three types of documents. These include the Records Transfer Form, the Year In Review, and required documents that include the constitution and bylaws, rosters, agendas and minutes (if you keep them), and other optional documents if desired. Regardless of the package your group is aiming for, we encourage your group to submit these documents. Once received, a representative from the University Archives will contact you to confirm which documents you have submitted.
Additional recommended materials for the archive include, but are not limited to:
-Officer Reflections
-Event Documentation
-Reports or publications
-Group Photos
-Anything of Historical Data
Your student group can submit this information to the University Archives in person at the library, by campus mail, electronically using Google Drive, or electronically using Dropbox.
If you have any questions or concerns about this process, please contact the University Archives staff members at
We hope you join us in this exciting opportunity for the library, Towson University, and your student group!
Written by A-LISTers Ada Leonard & Melanie Lutz