

Kahoot is an online game-based platform that allows users to create multiple choice and true/false quizzes to engage students with active participation online. Introduce new topics, review, reward, and collect data for formative assessment.
Note: Students do not have to create account to participate. They go to https://kahoot.it/ and enter the pin number you provide with your quiz.

Create your quiz (or choose one from Discover) https://create.kahoot.it/
Click Play, Teach, Classic. A pin is generated. Have students go to https://kahoot.it/ and enter the pin. When everyone has entered, the teacher clicks Start.

Step-by-step written directions    Kahoot

Feedback from faculty

 Dr. Sara Hooks, ECED
I have used it in the past for my face-to-face courses in 3 ways:
1) as an informal pre-assessment of key terms/concepts related to something I am about to cover in class
2) as an interactive review and formative assessment of previously covered course concepts
3) for students to create their own Kahoots in groups to present/quiz the rest of the class related to something they were assigned to read outside of class or to reinforce information taught in class. 

I just used it for the first time in this virtual learning modality and it went well. I used it to review material covered earlier in the semester and then put students in groups to create their own to quiz the rest of the class on their designated topics. 

Once you create the Kahoot, participants join by either using the Kahoot app (if they have it) or by going to www.kahoot.it and then by entering a game pin to join on their handheld devices. It was easy and the students seemed to enjoy it. 

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