by Guanti, Reid J. | Feb 1, 2022 @ 3:19 PM | File Shares
OTS is investigating reported outages of files shares including deptshare, homeshare, and customshare. A follow up alert will be posted when the issue is resolved.
by Guanti, Reid J. | Dec 12, 2021 @ 10:53 AM | Email, OneDrive, SharePoint
The previously reported issue regarding a privacy error when logging into Microsoft services has been resolved. This issue is believed to have started around 7 PM on December 11, 2021 and was resolved at 10:45 AM on December 12, 2021.
by Guanti, Reid J. | Dec 12, 2021 @ 10:26 AM | Email, OneDrive, SharePoint
OTS has identified an expired certificate which is causing a Privacy Error when browsing to Outlook on the Web and other Microsoft services like SharePoint and OneDrive. Engineers are working to resolve this issue.
by Guanti, Reid J. | Dec 3, 2021 @ 10:26 AM | File Shares
The issue with student file shares (studentshare) has been resolved. Students may need to log off and log back onto lab computers to reestablish their H: drive.
by Guanti, Reid J. | Dec 3, 2021 @ 10:18 AM | File Shares
Student file shares (studentshare) are currently unavailable. Engineers are working to resolve this issue. A follow up alert will be posted when the service is back online.