by campus | Jul 3, 2017 @ 9:08 AM | SPSS
If you are launching SPSS from a computer on campus or Virtual Workspace, you will see the following message: “Your License renewal date has passed. This product will stop working if a new license is not installed soon.” SPSS is fully functional, we will continue...
by campus | Jun 13, 2017 @ 1:37 PM | Windows Updates
Microsoft Updates Microsoft has released twenty-four Critical and forty-two Important security updates for the month of June, 2017. These updates will be installed over the next two weeks. Reboots will be required. This is a bulletin summary specifically for Towson...
by campus | Jun 1, 2017 @ 1:57 PM | Other
The Minitab application is currently unavailable. Since the application depends on a network license, it will not work on lab and office computers as well as Virtual Workspace. Engineers are looking into the issue.
by campus | May 9, 2017 @ 1:41 PM | Windows Updates
Microsoft Updates Microsoft has released nine Critical and thirty-four Important security updates for the month of May, 2017. These updates will be installed over the next two weeks. Reboots will be required. This is a bulletin summary specifically for Towson...
by campus | Apr 21, 2017 @ 10:03 AM | Email
Since 9:30 am this morning, some incoming email from off campus has been delayed. The issue has been resolved so the delayed email should start to flow in over the next hour or so.