The Organismal Form & Function Lab is a 3 credit, 6 hour lab based course. It is part of our new TU-REP program at Towson University.
This semester, the class will meet Mondays 1-4:40 and W 3-4:50 and is designed and taught by Dr. Christopher Oufiero.
We also have two Undergraduate Learning Assistants (ULA) this semester
Karlina and Alex

ULA Karlina was a student of the course two years ago and has been working in the research lab ever since. She joins again this semester as a ULA.
ULA Alex (pic coming soon). Alex was a Bridges to Baccalaureate student, starting off his academic career at Baltimore City Community College, conducting research in the research lab on praying mantis feeding, transferring to Towson, and now a ULA for the course.
The goal of the course is to provide authentic research experiences for a larger diversity of students, focusing on organismal biology. I am drawing inspiration from my research and previous experiences, as well as other courses, as I design the course. The focus will be on student driven hypotheses of how animals move, and will use several high-speed cameras to capture and quantify the movement. We will be collecting invertebrates locally to use as our study subjects, but will have some lab based ones available (including hissing cockroaches, praying mantises, some beetles, and likely others).