
Joel Moore

Professor of Geosciences

Google Scholar Citations page
ORCID: 0000-0002-5546-9610


Papers in peer-reviewed journals (Italics for student author, **TU undergraduate student co-author, *TU graduate student co-author)
PDFs are available only for non-commercial, personal use.

23) P. J. Baltzer*, J. Moore, C. J. Salice, V. B. Beauchamp (2024) The effects of legacy sediment removal and floodplain reconnection on riparian plant communities. Wetlands. 44: 15.

22) Cosans, C. L., M. L. Gomes, M. J. Marsh*, J. Moore, and C. J. Harman (2024) Similarities in storage and transport of sulfate in forested and suburban watersheds, despite anthropogenically elevated suburban sulfate. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 129: e2023JG007588

21) C. Welty, J. Moore, D. J. Bain, M. Talebpour, J. T. Kemper, P. M. Groffman, J. M. Duncan. (2023) Spatial heterogeneity and temporal stability of baseflow stream chemistry in an urban watershed. Water Resources Research. 59: e2021WR031804.

20) P. McMahon*, V. B. Beauchamp, R. E. Casey, C. J. Salice, K. Bucher**, M. Marsh*, and J. Moore (2021) Effects of stream restoration by legacy sediment removal and floodplain reconnection on water quality. Environmental Research Letters. 16: 035009.

19) R. J. Miranda, R. Hermann, K. P. Hurley.**, J. Moore (2021) Motivations and Challenges for Pursuing Geoscience Majors at a Public University. Journal of Geoscience Education. 69: 300-312.

18) Price J. R., Nunez J., Moore, J. (2020) Using plug-flow column reactor data to constrain calcic mineral weathering rates from watershed mass-balance methods: Lithogenic apatite dissolution and phosphorus fluxes into the Loch Vale Watershed ecosystem, Colorado, USA.
Applied Geochemistry. 120: 104664

17) J. Moore, R. M. Fanelli, A. J. Sekellick. (2020) High-frequency data reveal deicing salts drive elevated specific conductance and chloride along with pervasive and frequent exceedances of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency aquatic life criteria for chloride in urban streams.
Environmental Science & Technology. 54: 778-789.
Related work:
Clickable map with summary data for all sites
USGS data release Fanelli, Sekellick, and Moore (2019) Discrete and high-frequency chloride (Cl) and specific conductance (SC) data sets and Cl-SC regression equations used for analysis of 93 USGS water quality monitoring stations in the eastern United States

16) Bird D.L.*, Groffman P. M., Salice C. J. Moore J. (2018) Nonpoint Source Contributions Drive Elevated Major Ion and Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Concentrations in Urban Watersheds.
Environmental Science & Technology. 52: 198–204.

15) Moore J., Bird D.L.*, Dobbis S.K.**, Woodward G.* (2017) Nonpoint Source Contributions Drive Elevated Major Ion and Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Concentrations in Urban Watersheds.
Environmental Science & Technology Letters. 4: 198–204.

14) Snodgrass J., Moore J., Lev S., Casey R., Ownby D., Flora R.*, Izzo G.* (2017) Influence of Modern Stormwater Management Practices on Transport of Road Salt to Surface Waters.
Environmental Science & Technology. 51: 4165–4172.

13) Monazite chemical weathering, rare earth element behavior, and paleoglaciohydrology since the Last Glacial Maximum for the Loch Vale watershed, Colorado, USA.
Price J., Moore J., Kerans D. (2017)
Quaternary Research. 87: 191–207.

12) Intensification of swidden agriculture leads to eutrophication of Southeast Asian rivers.
Koning A., Moore J., Suttidate N., Hannigan R., McIntyre P. (2017)
Ecosystems. 20: 393–405.
Aaron Koning’s blog post on the article.

11) Expanding the Role of Reactive Transport Models in Earth Surface Processes.
Li L., Maher K., Navarre-Sitchler A., Druhan J., Meile C., Lawrence C., Moore J., Perdrial J., Sullivan P., Thompson A., Jin L., Bolton E.W., Brantley S.L., Dietrich W., Mayer U., Steefel C.I., Valocchi A., Zachara J., Kocar B., Mcintosh J., Bao C., Tutolo B.M., Beisman J., Kumar M., Sonnenthal E. (2017)
Earth-Science Reviews. 165: 280–301.

10) Developing the scientific framework for urban geochemistry.
Chambers L., Chin Y.-P., Filipelli G., Gardner C., Herndon E., Long D., Lyons W.B., Macpherson G., McElmurry S., McLean C., Moore J., Moyer R., Neumann K., Nezat C., Soderberg K., Teutsch N., Widom E. (2016)
Applied Geochemistry. 67: 1–20.

9) Seasonally varying contributions to urban CO2 in the Chicago, IL, USA region: Insights from a high-resolution CO2 concentration and δ13C record.
Moore J. and Jacobson A. D. (2015)
Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene.

8) Discovering plate boundaries in data-integrated environments: Preservice teachers’ conceptualization and implementation of scientific practices.
Sezen-Barrie A., Moore J. and Roig C.* (2015)
International Journal of Science Education. 37: 2013-2037.

7) Metal release from limestones at high partial-pressures of CO2.
Wunsch A., Navarre-Sitchler A.K., Moore J., McCray J.E. (2014)
Chemical Geology. 363: 40-55.
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6) Metal release from dolomites at high partial-pressures of CO2.
Wunsch A., Navarre-Sitchler A.K., Moore J., Ricko A.*, McCray J.E. (2013)
Applied Geochemistry. 38: 33-47.
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5) Tracking the relationship between uplift, silicate weathering, and long-term CO2 consumption with Ca isotopes: Southern Alps, New Zealand.
Moore J., Jacobson A. D., Holmden C., Craw, D. (2013)
Chemical Geology. 341: 110-127.
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4) Using a reactive transport model to elucidate differences between laboratory and field mineral dissolution rates in regolith profiles.
Moore J., Lichtner, P. C., White A. F., Brantley S. L. (2012)
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 93: 235-261.
Download PDF here.

3) Shifting microbial community structure across a marine terrace grassland chronosequence, Santa Cruz, California.
Moore J., Macalady J. L., Schulz M. S., White A. F., Brantley S. L. (2010)
Soil Biology & Biology. 42: 21-31.
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2) Towards an analytical model incorporating changes in surface area across reaction fronts in soil profiles.
Brantley S. L., Bandstra J., Moore J., White A. F. (2008)
Geoderma 145: 494-504.

1) Coupling among microbial ecology, iron cycling, and saprolite formation in deep regolith, Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico.
Buss H. L., Bruns M. A., Schultz M. J., Moore J., Mathur C. F., and Brantley S. L. (2005)
Geobiology, 3: 247-260.


Extended abstracts

3) Modeling the effects of road salt on soil, aquifer, and stream chemistry.
Moore J., Lev S. M., Casey R. E. (2013)
2013 MODFLOW and More Conference Proceedings. 5 pp.

2) Mars sample return; the value of depth profiles.
Hausrath E. M., Navarre-Sitchler A. K., Moore J., Sak P. B., Brantley S. L., Golden D. C.,
Sutter B., Schroeder C., Socki R., Morris R. V., Ming D. W., Shearer C. K., Agee C. B., and Beaty D. W. (2008)
Ground Truth From Mars: Science Payoff From a Sample Return Mission, LPI Contribution No. 1401, 33-34.

1) Effects of giant sequoia on soil chemistry.
Moore J., White A. F., and Brantley S. L. (2004)
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction, Vol. 2 (ed. R. Wanty and R. Seal II). A. A. Balkema Publishers, pp. 1341-1345.


Other publications

3) Appendix: Compilation of mineral dissolution rates.
Bandstra J. Z., Buss H. L., Campen R. K., Liermann L. J., Moore J., Hausrath E. M., Navarre-Sitchler A. K., Jang J.-H., and Brantley S. L. (2007)
In Kinetics of Water-Rock Interactions (ed. S. L. Brantley, J. D. Kubicki, and A. F. White). Springer, pp. 737-823.

2) Appendix: Compilation of mineral dissolution rates.
Moore J., Gutierrez E. G., Mecray E. L., and Buchholtz ten Brink M. R. (2006)
Physical Properties of Sediment Cores from Long Island Sound. Open File Report 02-372. U.S. Geological Survey.

1) Women in Geology: A Brief History.
Moore, J.. (2000)
Gaea, 23: 14-18.