New Faculty: Meet Hooman Mirahmad, Department of Marketing

This fall, CBE welcomes 8 new faculty members — here’s what you need to know

Hooman Mirahmad
Assistant Professor
Department of Marketing


Ph.D., Marketing
Texas A&M University

University of Tehran

BS, Industrial Engineering
Iran University of Science and Technology

Research Interests:

My research interests in general fall in the domain of marketing strategy. In particular, I am interested in the areas of marketing-finance interface, text analysis, social media marketing, and marketing in top management team.

What are you looking forward to in your new role at Towson University?

I consider teaching as one of the most rewarding jobs on the planet. In my opinion, teaching is one of the few jobs in which you can have a direct impact on lives of many other people. In my new role as a professor at TU, I look forward to interacting with the brilliant students, getting to know them, learning from them, and helping them with learning new things in the domain of marketing.

What is something few people know about you that might be surprising to some?

I have played over 200 video games and watched over 150 TV shows.

How do you spend your free time?

I take photos, play video games, and watch TV shows.

What is your favorite TV show?

My all-time favorite show is Dexter. Followed by Sons of Anarchy, Breaking Bad, Friends, and Hannibal.

If you could give your students one piece of advice from your life experiences, what would it be?

I strongly encourage my students to follow their true passions and to not be afraid of trying different things. It took me a while to figure out what it really is that I want to do with my life: I changed my major twice, immigrated, and tried to learn different things until I could finally figure out what I wanted to do.