

Thanks for visiting the Black Student Union (BSU) at Towson University.bsutransparent

The mission of the Black Student Union is to provide services and support for all black minds at Towson University.

We are the largest minority in the TU student population and we serve as a voice for all the black students enrolled.

We are here to challenge and encourage black intellect and to provide programming that gives non black students insight into the black experience.

We meet weekly in the University Union and encourage all black students to stop by our office anytime.

What can BSU do for you?


The Towerlight, circa March 20, 1970

The BSU was founded on February 25, 1970 when a group of black students presented a list of demands to president James Fisher to provide resources and support for a Black Student Union at Towson University.

2016 – 2017

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