Next on our graduation spotlights is Luke Buaas. As you’ve probably seen on our social media, Luke was an intern at our office this semester as a Career and Professional Development Outreach Assistant and participated in a full academic year program in Japan from 2019 to 2002. Luke shared with us his graduation plans and his goals for the future1.
What are your post-undergraduate plans and what do you hope to achieve in the future?
I plan on working in America for a year or two within a company to build either my skills in marketing or sales, then moving to Japan for a few years. After that I plan on returning to America and using my experience working abroad to obtain a job within a large international company that does dealings with Japan.
2. What was your role in our office and what did you learn?
My role within the office was a Study Abroad Career and Personal Development Outreach Assistant Intern. Within the office I learned a lot of career skills that I believe going forward will help me to improve upon my employability. I learn how to effectively communicate with my peers, how to publicly speak, how to create social media posts marketing different events, and much more. I am very glad to have had this experience working in the Study Abroad Office.
Do you believe you will be able to apply your study abroad experience to your future career?
For me, I believe my study abroad experience will greatly effect my career. Prior to going to Japan I had never studied Japanese, or even been to Japan. So, I was not very interested in working in Japan. Because I became conversational in Japanese during my year abroad, many career paths are starting to open within Japan, making it an interesting prospect for the future.
What career advice would you give to incoming study abroad students?
Some career advice I would give to students going to study abroad is to first just go abroad. Make the amazing memories, make your life long friends, learn about different cultures, and then see how much you change by the time you get home. I think just by going abroad for an extended period of time you will change in ways you do not realize. And just by going you already become a more viable employee in this interconnected world, so just do it.
Final thoughts?
My final thoughts are just that study abroad is an amazing experience here at Towson, and I hope more students take advantage of this chance. I personally recommend doing a direct exchange, because it is what I did, and I feel a long term study abroad is extremely beneficial. I have made my best memories in University through studying abroad and made my best friends through it as well. It is a really cool feeling to know that after COVID-19 ends and travel opens up, I have a list of about 8 countries that I would like to go see because I have really good friends in all of them. Each of those friends told me I can just stay at their house, so all I need to buy is a plane ticket. Study abroad has changed my life and has given me many opportunities I would not have had if I did not go. So go abroad and have your own experience!
We can’t wait to see all that Luke will accomplish and wish him the best of luck, but we will miss having him as a part of our student staff. #TUProud #HowBigIsYourWorld