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Great Websites for Teachers and Families of Multilingual Learners

Toolkits and Publications for Teachers of Multilingual Learners

Translations of Books and Texts


Great Websites for Teachers and Families of Multilingual Learners

Center for Applied Linguistics — This site promotes language learning and cultural understanding through free and paid resources for training, research, and practical supports.

Colorin Colorado–A bilingual site for educators and families of multilingual learners–This site contains many linked resources for multilingual learners, teachers, and families.  It is fully accessible in Spanish and English.

Multilingual Learning Toolkit — This site contains videos, articles, research highlights, and other resources to support teachers of pre-K through grade 3 multilingual learners.  It is a free site developed with a partnership of educators and foundations in California, and they are adding to the site on a continuing basis.

National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition — This site from the U.S. Department of Education houses 25,000 resources to give clarification, toolkits, and briefs about many topics concerning multilingual learners.

Parents Place of Maryland — This link is a source for educators to share with parents with special needs children.  Among other categories, there are “Coffee and Conversations” sessions for Spanish-speaking parents and for bilingual educators.

ReadWorks— This site provides free access to various texts that students can read online and translate portions or whole documents into various languages.  The passages can be sorted by reading level and topic for the teacher to select.  There are also comprehension and assessment questions that support each text.  An example of a search for materials to support Hispanic Heritage Month from is linked here.

Social Justice and Education — This site has articles, blogs, and other resources to help educators who want to affirm the asset-based view of multilingualism in the United States.

Tips for Understanding Linguistics within Different Languages — This site helps to understand dialects, semantics, and pragmatics within different global languages your students might be speaking as their native language.



Toolkits and Publications for Teachers of Multilingual Learners

American Speech-Language Hearing Association Bilingual Service Delivery — This site has many ideas to support services, testing, and resources for multilingual students in need of speech and language support.  There is also a one-page self-assessment of a Cultural Competence Checklist for clinicians and educators to consider for themselves.

Asset-Based Strategies and Approaches — A book chapter a from California report (Chapter 2) of Improving Education for Multilingual and English Learner Students is an asset-based approach to pedagogy for culturally and linguistically diverse students.  The chapter includes rationale, classroom examples, and strategies for educators to adopt to be more asset-minded with their multilingual students.

City University of New York Initiative on Emergent Bilinguals — This site links to many resources on culturally relevant books, translanguaging practices, and other relevant topics to explore.

Glossary of Terms to Explain Multilinguals, Emerging Bilinguals, ESOL, etc.–Here a short article with a glossary of terms if you are confused with the many labels used in the US about multilingual learners.

Hispanic History Month Toolkit — This link shares many other resources you can click to for support of Hispanic History month and beyond for Spanish-speaking multilingual learners.

Less Commonly Taught Languages— This is a website through the Regional Research Lab housed at the University of Michigan with some templates for designing language assessments and downloadable online open resources that can help you with less commonly taught languages.

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education — This site contains many links to reports and toolkits you can explore as models from their state about topics like dual language immersion, students with limited or interrupted education, instructional units and videos for teaching multilingual learners, family resource ideas, and more.

Minnesota Department of Education Special Education Resources — This site contains many links to reports and resources you can explore as models from their state about topics like special education services, processes, and information.

Modules on Evaluating Bilingual Children — This site helps professionals choose appropriate tools to use with multilingual learners in understanding differences from disabilities.

Newcomer Toolkit from the Office of English Language Acquisition —  This booklet from the U.S. Department of Education contains 10 chapters of good information about newcomer students and families.

Oracy Toolkit from San Diego Schools — This site contains many ideas for educators to work on oral literacy of their multilingual learners.

Unit for Secondary ESOL — This is an examples of a middle school social studies unit through the SERP Institute (Strategic Education Research Partnership) that partners with schools to develop curriculum and instructional approaches to support multilingual learners.  For more resources, click on their website:


Translations of Books and Texts

African Storybook— This site allows you to read digital stories in English or various languages of Africa and surrounding countries.  If you create an account with an email and password, you can also write and illustrate (or have students write/illustrate) stories to add to the site.  There are video guides for how to use the site and create storybooks to add.

BITS–English Language Learners: Listen and Read — This site shows many digital books, stories, and articles with human narrators reading them aloud in English.  The books included are for upper elementary and secondary readers and are meant to support multilingual learners with auditory read-alouds.

Bloom Library — This website contains free books you can click on to read (with some available in audiobook form) for different levels of readers in various languages.  Choose your language and a book by level, then click on the READ button to go to click through the pages of the book.

Book Dash— This site has early childhood books created in South Africa that are written in English and many have translations you can choose for different African languages.  You can freely read these books online or download and print copies with open-access for your students.  If

Global Digital Library— This site allows you to choose your target language then presents books arranged by reading levels from which to choose.  There are also math games for students to check their progress on various sorts of beginning math problems.

Global Storybooks — This link to the site contains many books for young readers in a variety of languages.  The text are displayed page-by-page and include a sound button for a native language narrator to read the text aloud.

International Children’s Digital Library — This site contains full books in PDF form written in various languages.

Kita B World Bilingual Book Site— This site contains Southeastern Asian children’s books you can purchase for your school or classroom library.

Language Lizard Bilingual Book Site — This site contains free resources for educators of multilingual learners as well as links to buy children’s books in multiple languages.

Let’s Read–Digital Library of Children’s Books — This site is created by The Asia Foundation and contains over 10,000 digital books.  Books are sorted by categories of genres and many contain a translate button to show the text in English or in one or many Asian country translations.

Storyweaver — This site allows you to set up an account to enjoy thousands of children’s stories online, in several languages and formats: Read, Download, Translate and Create!  You can save stories from the site to your library and have your students create their own books.

Unite for Literacy— This site houses picture books on various topics to click on and hear translations of the English text read in over 50 languages.