Welcome to the Multilingual Learners Hub at Towson University! This space is designed to support teachers, professors, education majors, and families to bring out the best in their multilingual students. Being bilingual is a real asset throughout the world, and this site was created as a space for educators and families to share best practices, overcome challenges, and contribute ideas that work to help our emerging multilingual students and children thrive!

The resources on this site were constructed from the current research into best practices in the field of multilingual learning across the United States. Resources on this site also include success stories from teachers, schools, and school districts that have employed practical ideas that work for their students. If you think you have a practical idea or resource to add to this site, please click on this Contributor’s Form below to submit your idea for the Multilingual Learner Hub. If your idea is chosen, you will be notified and your idea will be added to the growing resources on this site.

Contributor’s Form for School Success Stories and Resources

Complete this 3-question form in the link above (name, email, and 5-sentence summary of a story idea or resource).  You will be notified by email if your contribution is selected to be included on the website.

Support for some information shared on the ML hub is provided by the ELEVATE project at Towson University, a project funded under the National Professional Development Program of the United States Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition (T365Z210117). The views expressed do not necessarily represent official policies or positions of the United States Department of Education; no official endorsement is intended or should be inferred.

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