Click on the topic below for resources and ideas on teaching multilingual learners. Use your TU email username and password to log in for access. 

For TU Education Majors and Interns

For TU Faculty Preparing Teachers

For Multilingual Books and Teaching Resources


For TU Education Majors and Interns:

Articles for Math with Multilingual Learners — Click to find a search of over 400 articles with topics about teaching mathematics to multilingual learners.

Articles for Science with Multilingual Learners — Click to find a search of over 600 articles with topics about teaching science to multilingual learners.

Articles for Social Studies with Multilingual Learners — Click to find a search of over 200 articles with topics about teaching social studies to multilingual learners.

Children’s and Young Adult Literature — Click to find the curated resources on children’s literature from the Cook Library.  The librarian, Dr. Miriam DesHarnes, is available to contact if you have questions or need suggestions on resources.  For multilingual books, click on one of the resources listed in this overall curation, Fable Cottage: Bilingual Tales for Language Learners.

E-Books (Fiction) — Click to find a search for e-books that are fiction through access in the Cook Library to use with your lesson planning and teaching.

E-Books (Non-Fiction) — Click to find a search for e-books that are non-fiction through access in the Cook Library to use with your lesson planning and teaching.

Global Storybooks — This link to the site contains many books for young readers in a variety of languages.  The text are displayed page-by-page and include a sound button for a native language narrator to read the text aloud.

Teaching Books — This site contains information on quality books to use in classrooms and has resources like interviews with the authors and other supplementary materials.  There are some multilingual books offered among the recommendations. Here is the link to the portion of the website with multilingual books and interviews with some of their authors.

Worlds of Words — Link to this website with culturally relevant resources and multilingual book recommendations in various languages.  The books are summarized on this site.


For TU Faculty Preparing Teachers:


Best Practices:

de Jong, E. J., Naranjo, C., Li, S., & Ouzia, ­Aicha. (2018). Beyond Compliance: ESL Faculty’s Perspectives on Preparing General Education Faculty for ESL Infusion. Educational Forum, 82(2), 174–190. 

 Spies, T., Pollard-Durodola, S., Bengochea, A., Falomir, G. C., & Xu, Y. (2021). Teacher Leadership in Systemic Reform: Opportunities for Graduate Education Programs. CATESOL Journal, 32(1), 172–187. 

 Zoeller, E., & Briceño, A. (2022). “We Can Be Bilingual Rather than an English Learner”: Transnational Teachers Developing Strength-Based, Language-Focused Pedagogy. Teacher Education Quarterly, 49(2), 33–57. 

On K-12 Teaching: 

Hansen-Thomas, H., Stewart, M. A., Flint, P., & Dollar, T. (2021). Co-learning in the High School English Class through Translanguaging: Emergent Bilingual Newcomers and Monolingual Teachers. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 20(3), 151–166.  

 Housel, D. A. (2020). Supporting the Engagement and Participation of Multicultural, Multilingual Immigrant Families in Public Education in the United States: Some Practical Strategies. School Community Journal, 30(2), 185–209. 

 On Teacher Education: 

Bohon, L. L., McKelvey, S., Rhodes, J. A., & Robnolt, V. J. (2017). Training for Content Teachers of English Language Learners: Using Experiential Learning to Improve Instruction. Teacher Development, 21(5), 609–634.  

 Hernández, S. J., Alfaro, C., & Martell, M. A. N. (2022). Bilingual teacher educators as language policy agents: A critical language policy perspective of the Castañeda v. Pickard case and the bilingual teacher shortage. Language Policy21(3), 381–403.  

 Gallagher, C. E., & Haan, J. E. (2018). University Faculty Beliefs about Emergent Multilinguals and Linguistically Responsive Instruction. TESOL Quarterly: A Journal for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages and of Standard English as a Second Dialect, 52(2), 304–330. 


 On Professional Development Schools:

JoAnne Ferrara. (2020). Exploring Cultural Competence in Professional Development Schools. Information Age Publishing.  

JoAnne Ferrara. (2017). Expanding Opportunities to Link Research and Clinical Practice: A Volume in Research in Professional Development Schools. Information Age Publishing. 

 Written for/on K-12 Teachers: 

Kathleen M. Brinegar. (2019). Equity & Cultural Responsiveness in the Middle Grades. Information Age Publishing. 

 Nan Li. (2016). Teaching ELLs Across Content Areas: Issues and Strategies. Information Age Publishing.  

 Audrey Cohan, Andrea Honigsfeld, & Maria G. Dove. (2020). Team Up, Speak Up, Fire Up! : Educators, Students, and the Community Working Together to Support English Learners. ASCD. 

Louise El Yaafouri. (2022). Restoring Students’ Innate Power: Trauma-Responsive Strategies for Teaching Multilingual Newcomers. ASCD. 

Yu Ren Dong. (2019). Teaching English Language Learners in Secondary Subject Matter Classes: 2nd Edition: Vol. 2nd edition. Information Age Publishing. 

ISBN: 9781416628286 

Publication Date: 2019-10-30 

ISBN: 9781551383606 

Publication Date: 2022-07-08 

ISBN: 9780807766415 

Publication Date: 2022-04-30 

 Karrin Lukacs, & Sherry L. Steeley. (2018). Voices From Around the IEP Table : Perspectives on Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Families. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 

Kathryn I. Henderson, & Deborah K. Palmer. (2020). Dual Language Bilingual Education: Teacher Cases and Perspectives on Large-Scale Implementation. Multilingual Matters.  

Cheryl K. Crawley. (2021). Native American Bilingual Education : An Ethnography of Powerful Forces: Vol. First editon. Emerald Publishing Limited. 

Nan Li. (2019). Four Chinese ELLs: Their School Experiences and Journeys in Pursuing the American Dream. Information Age Publishing. 

Laura Jewett. (2019). Critical Intersections In Contemporary Curriculum & Pedagogy. Information Age Publishing. 


Lisa Barron. (2019). A Practical Guide for EdTPA Implementation: Lessons From the Field. Information Age Publishing.  

Jason C. Fitzgerald, & Michelle L. Schpakow. (2021). Mapping the Way from Teacher Preparation to EdTPA® Completion: A Guide for Secondary Education Candidates. Rutgers University Press. 

Peter B. Swanson. (2018). Researching EdTPA Promises and Problems: Perspectives From English As an Additional Language, English Language Arts, and World Language Teacher Education. Information Age Publishing. 

On preparing teacher educators:

Donna L. Pasternak, Samantha Caughlan, Heidi L. Hallman, Laura Renzi, & Leslie S. Rush. (2017). Secondary English Teacher Education in the United States. Bloomsbury Academic. 

Cristóbal Rodriguez. (2018). Latino Educational Leadership: Serving Latino Communities and Preparing Latinx Leaders Across the P-20 Pipeline. Information Age Publishing. 

R. Martin Reardon. (2021). Learning to Read the World and the Word: School-University-Community Collaboration to Enrich Immigrant Literacy and Teacher Education. Information Age Publishing. 

Diane Yendol-Hoppey. (2019). Preparing the Next Generation of Teacher Educators for Clinical Practice. Information Age Publishing.  

Alice E. Ginsberg. (2022). Transgressing Teacher Education : Strategies for Equity, Opportunity and Social Justice in Urban Teacher Preparation and Practice. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 

Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE). (2020). Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics: (color Version). Information Age Publishing. 

Juanjo Mena, Ana García-Valcárcel, & Francisco J. García-Peñalvo. (2019). Teachers’ Professional Development in Global Contexts : Insights From Teacher Education. Brill. 

Meike Wernicke, Svenja Hammer, Antje Hansen, & Tobias Schroedler. (2021). Preparing Teachers to Work with Multilingual Learners. Multilingual Matters. 

Ann E. Lopez. (2018). Transformative Pedagogies for Teacher Education: Moving Towards Critical Praxis in an Era of Change. Information Age Publishing. 

Caroline Elbra-Ramsay, & Ian Menter. (2021). Understanding Feedback : A Critical Exploration for Teacher Educators. Critical Publishing.  

James W. Fraser, & Lauren Lefty. (2018). Teaching Teachers : Changing Paths and Enduring Debates. Johns Hopkins University Press. 

Kim Koh, Cecille DePass, & Sean Steel. (2019). Developing Teachers’ Assessment Literacy : A Tapestry of Ideas and Inquiries. Brill. 

Ann E. Lopez. (2019). Transformative Pedagogies for Teacher Education: Critical Action, Agency and Dialogue in Teaching and Learning Contexts. Information Age Publishing. 

Diane Mayer, & Ian Menter. (2021). Becoming a Teacher Education Researcher. Critical Publishing. 

Patricia Gándara, & Bryant Jensen. (2021). The Students We Share : Preparing US and Mexican Educators for Our Transnational Future. SUNY Press. 

On instructional design/College-level teaching/scholarship in general:

Cammy Bean. (2023). The Accidental Instructional Designer, 2nd Edition : Learning Design for the Digital Age: Vol. Second edition. Association for Talent Development.  

Robin K. Morgan, Kimberly T. Olivares, & Jon Becker. (2015). Quick Hits for Adjunct Faculty and Lecturers : Successful Strategies From Award-Winning Teachers. Indiana University Press. 

Susan Lee Pasquarelli, Robert A. Cole, & Michael J. Tyson. (2018). Passport to Change : Designing Academically Sound, Culturally Relevant, Short-Term, Faculty-Led Study Abroad Programs: Vol. First edition. Routledge. 

Cavazos, A. G. (2015). Multilingual Faculty across Academic Disciplines: Language Difference in Scholarship. Language and Education, 29(4), 317–331. 


ASCD – Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development –Founded in 1943, ASCD (doing business as the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) is the global leader in developing and delivering innovative programs, products, and services that empower educators to support the success of each learner. 

Colorin Colorado — This site contains many linked resources for multilingual learners, teachers, and families.  It is fully accessible in Spanish and English.

Multilingual Learning Toolkit for Teacher Educators — This site contains videos, articles, research highlights, and other resources to support teachers of pre-K through grade 3 multilingual learners.  It is a free site developed with a partnership of educators and foundations in California, and they are adding to the site on a continuing basis.

National Council of Teachers of English: English Language Learners –If you teach English language learners, NCTE has several resources that can support you in meeting their needs and adapting your curriculum and instruction to be culturally responsive to the rich perspectives they bring. 

P21 – Partnership for 21st Century LearningP21’s mission is to serve as catalyst for 21st century learning to build collaborative partnerships among education, business, community and government leaders so that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in a world where change is constant and learning never stops. 

Teaching Books — This site contains information on quality books to use in classrooms and has resources like interviews with the authors and other supplementary materials.  There are some multilingual books offered among the recommendations. 


For Multilingual Books and Teaching Resources:

“I build my casa from rocks!”: Translanguaging in Shared Reading for Multilingual Learners

Interactive Read-Alouds as Translanguaging Spaces